first of all i love the werewolves! i love the perk tree too! i even love the vapires and its perk tree although i think the idea of how vampirism works in ttes is backwards...but anyways ive noticed i dont have any obvious direct control in werewolf form over the exact finishing moves or death blows the werewolf can do. it seems to be random. ive tried different combinations of controller buttons but it doesnt seem to make a difference so im assuming theres just a percentage chance on which animation death blow occurs? if thats the case then my suggestion would be to give a chance to control it, maybe a button prompt on screen as the animation begins? because personally i dont much like the animation that appears to be the default and prefer the other ones than randomly occur and the problem is for me at least that those other animations are rare. ive had several werewolf characters now and in all cases those other animations are rare. id just like to see them more often.