so i haven't seen any conformation on whether or not you level up as a werewolf or your strength goes up with your character.... or do you eventually level up to the point were you get way more powerful than your werewolf form.... anyone know?
so i haven't seen any conformation on whether or not you level up as a werewolf or your strength goes up with your character.... or do you eventually level up to the point were you get way more powerful than your werewolf form.... anyone know?
You get a static HP/Stamina increase of +100, and your claw damage is base 20, modified by your level. Not sure how werewolf armor scales, or if it even does.
And does the one handed skill improve claw attacks? o.o
I'm honestly not sure. I rarely go beast because I like being able to open locked doors and loot. I only noticed last night that my one handed skill went up while I was hitting someone.