lol I actually started another pt 3 post earlier as I wanted to post and other one was locked, but anyway, here are the ideas

Appearance - Vampires should be in disguise, even when in the open. Any popular movies about vampires have always been sixified by vampires living amongst the people and feeding discretely. You should be able to move freely amongst the people until the thirst starts to kick in. At this point you start to show signs of vampirism. They could put this on a scale 1-5. 1 being you start to look sickly, with red veins running through your eyes. People react to you as though your sick, but not a vampire. Scale 3 could be NPC's react to your presence with extreme caution and watch your every move. The 'sickness' means you're only performing at 75% until you feed. Scale 5 is when you can't take the thirst anymore and you simply 'have' to feed. Eyes are red, teeth are present, skin is extremely pale (near translucent), people know what you are and try to attack you (with silver items!). The time it takes to go from scale 1 to 5 should be a couple of days.
Presence - Charm/Wit/Personality. Ever seen a vampire in a movie that didn't have the ability to seduce a nun? No, they've got charm and personality, they're classy. They're generally liked amongst the public where they are. At the other end of the spectrum, if you've just killed someone in the area and the body is found then people should be on red alert and looking out for players that don't quite fit. (refer back to appearance)
"Now look ...with your vampire eyes. What did you see? No words can describe it. Might as well ask Heaven what it sees. No human can know." - Interview with a Vampire. - I've always wondered why everything looks practically the same as a vampire. Surely creatures should have a glow around them so they're easy to spot even in pitch black, or humans should leave a trail behind them as a vampire should be able to stalk them.
Purpose - Being a vampire in the previous games was fun for a while, but what was their purpose? There should be something you can do, goals to achieve, missions to perform, a vampiric hierarchy to adhere to etc. Seems a little stale.
Thought I'd kick start the third part of this discussion.
Appearance - Obvious really. However, they should be huge creatures, bulky, muscular, powerful!
Presence - I want to invoke fear into the NPC's. Growls, scratching, noises. I want to be able to make NPC's tremble in fear and run away only to bring back a hunting party to take me down. Also, billboards, newspaper announcements of sightings that causes NPC's to check out your last known location.
Abilities - I'm not sure if this was only invented by movies like Underworld, but perhaps after a certain amount of time, you can learn to harness your powers. So you start out only changing on a full moon. However, progressively you learn the ability to change at will. Strength, Agility, prowess etc. all heightened. A 'pounce' ability which will target an NPC and taken them down to the ground, giving you the option to leave them on the ground and run off, or kill them.
Scent - A 'scent', I'd love to see some sort of 'scent' ability from transforming. You're a wolf, a beast that relies on tracking it's prey. NPC's should leave marks on the ground or a glowing trail behind them that can be followed. You're running through the woods as a werewolf, miles from any local town and suddenly you pick up the scent of an NPC which you follow to an unknown unground hideout etc. I think it'd add a real sense of being a beast to the game and you'd definitely pick up on things you wouldn't have before if you come across a random NPC in the woods!