Just wanted to chime in and say that I'm looking forward to this new Elder Scrolls game... I've been playing vampire characters since Daggerfall (I like the added challenge and RPG elements it brings) and I really hope Skyrim continues the tradition of a strong vampire gameplay aspect.
I'm not really that worried... if you think about Elder Scrolls tradition, they've had some form of vampirism as early as the Daggerfall games. Morrowind had one, Oblivion had one... I'd be really surprised if Skyrim broke tradition and didn't feature the ability to become an undead bloodsvcker.
Either way, I'm really excited for this game. I am kinda confused why they announced it so early... but when you've got companies like Blizzard that announce games like Diablo 3 years in advance I guess you can't really fault em

Now we just gotta play the waiting game, I guess. I think the hardest part is going to be the first few months while the modding community gets ramped up and starts releasing stuff for Skyrim.