:laugh: emphasis on Lots of Paper Towels
Werewolves -
I'd like the choice to affilitate myself with Hircine or not should I ever become afflicted by the disease, or become a rough hound terrorizing the country side, and since you can screw with the economoy of the game by raiding farms, mills etc etc, I most curtainly take my feel of livestock

where Normal weapons would do 60-70 percent less damage than usual in addition to me being able to heal pretty quickly, Silver weapons should be the bain of werewolves and reduce or completely stanch that healing, normal food would no longer saitate the character, or rather large amounts of food would be required to fuel the HyperMetabolics of being a raging killing machine, its strenght, senses healing and other abilities.
I enjoyed how being the Hound of Hircine granted you
perks abilites, such as never losing your breath, or your claws being strong enough to shear through even the toughest of armors, my hopes that makes a return. I know it'd be going far to say I hope my currenly equiped equipment would get destroyed upon transformation but meh

Vampires -
My hopes are that as a Vampire, you gain strength through age / experience / feedings.
not feeding after an extended time would bring about weakness, of course your already augmented by your Undead strenght & unless met with overwhelming force (Dragon breath) you'd be capable to survive just about anything lesser mortals could bring to bear, at a cost to needing Blood to heal, aye I don't know how people would react to potions and spells having a reduced effect on you but blood should be the primary method to regaining health and restoring battle damage.
Faster, Stronger, more intune with senses aye the whole Shebang. at first your Vampiric nature would not be apparent, but as time marched on it would show more and more, leaving you the choice to either have less civilized relations, utilize your abilities of pursuasion and gile, or find methods that hide your true being from mortal eyes

Oh and whats a Hunter without a Hunter hunting it

yes witch hunters please

Morrowind did this and I cant recall if Daggerfall did this as well