Werewolves&Vampires thread 5

Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 5:21 am

I meant Bootyy-sweat. His name reminds me of Tropic Thunder.

Ok, I thought u meant about the vampire thing
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:24 pm

Volkihar isn't the only clan in skyrim just the most powerful, so the developers are free to make up some more clans what do you think they should be.?
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:38 am

Vampires and I hope they don't have the bugs that Oblivion had with them.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:42 am

What's a "Volkihar"? ....I'm assuming a vampyr clan, right?
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James Shaw
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:26 pm

What's a "Volkihar"? ....I'm assuming a vampyr clan, right?

Yep this is what the wiki says about them.
"The Volkihar vampires of eastern Skyrim live under haunted, frozen lakes and only leave their dens to feed. They have the power to freeze their victims with icy breath, and can reach through the ice of their frozen lake dens without breaking the ice."
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Nany Smith
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:00 am

Does that picture in the art of skyrim video of the woman with the flowing hair look like a vampire to anyone?
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Charlotte X
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:13 am

I'm not confident werewolves will be in skyrim but I am fairly certain vampires are.
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:55 pm

Does that picture in the art of skyrim video of the woman with the flowing hair look like a vampire to anyone?

Yes. go to the previous page. :tongue:
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krystal sowten
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:53 pm

To elaborate on what I said in my last post,

It would be kind of cool if there was more to becoming a vampire than just being hit by a sword held by a vampire. For instance, you walk onto a frozen lake. Suddenly you'r feet are stuck to the ground, a twisted hand coming up through the ice has you by the ankle. You struggle, maybe swinging you'r sword at the hand as it tries to pull you under. Perhaps you've managed to fend it off as you run forward... only to be caught by dozens of hands coming up through the ice. You arn't quick enough and they grab you all at once dragging you under. The screen starts to fade to black.

But you're not dead! You awaken, cold, weak and confused on top of the lake. A message box describes a strange dream or a cut scene dream sequence between the time you black out and awoke.(I prefer a message box)

You wander into town and spend the ext few day's trying to figure out what happened. On the third day (I guess) you awake from a terrifying dream to find you have become a hideous ice vamp!!! If only you had prayed for you'r sickness to be taken away or had taken a potion in time. Alas. The door to you'r inn room opens (room service?lol) a person sees you and screams. You flee the room and the town before a mob can be formed to stop you. Maybe one forms if you stick around terrorizing people?

I'm not good at describing this sort of stuff so sorry :3

I agree with this, and hope that if player vampirism (and lycanthropy) is in, that it's given enough attention to be this detailed. It certainly doesn't seem out of the realms of possibility, considering the (supposedly) much-improved AI.

The vampire player in your example could then return to Volkihar-inhabited caverns beneath frozen lakes to meet the tribe, who'd now be non-hostile to you. Haunting Skyrim's frozen nights as a Volkihar would easily be the best player vampire experience in TES to date.

PS: I love your avatar, Nightbeat.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:01 am

I always enjoyed fighting the vamps in Baldurs Gate 2. They had an absolutely lethal 'drain level' attack, and when you did manage to off one, they'd retreat in the form of a vaporous gas. You then had to hunt down their coffin and stake 'em before you could properly kill them. If you didn't do this they'd regenerate into a corporeal form again and attack you!

Not sure whether I'd like a drain level attack in Skyrim, but trying to track a trail of smoke in some godforsaken Dwemer ruin somewhere and dispatching a entombed vamp before it could coalesce again sounds like the stuff of nightmares! (in a good way :smile: )

Oblivion vamps acted and attacked like normal npcs, they need to grant them special abilities as outlined above in Skyrim.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:39 pm

Damn Solstheim was awesome place.

Vampires I think,are definately gonna be there.But i dunno if they are the vampires from Oblivion( :facepalm: ) I dont even want them to be there.But if there are those uhh..what were they called again?Volkhar.....vampires its alright then.
I prefer Werewolves. :mohawk:

If theres gonna be werewolves I hope theres gonna be a quest involving them."Strange,wolf like creatures have been spotted in the town at night" or something like that.
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 7:09 am

PS: I love your avatar, Nightbeat.

Thanks. =D

I was thinking about it today. Should there be an ability to maybe hypnotize someone so they can feed on them while they are awake? Or maybe some kind of strangle hold or something.

Also, what about passing on vampirism and lychanthropy to others?
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:24 pm

From the new video: Could http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/7006/skyrimconceptart.jpg possibly be a Volkihar?
Could be some sort of wraith but I really hope it is a Volkihar, since It's... Perfect. :D

Definately.She seems to have blood on her lips and red eyes(Oblivion's vampires had red eyes,right?) and teeth sharp.
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:25 pm

Volkihar isn't the only clan in skyrim just the most powerful, so the developers are free to make up some more clans what do you think they should be.?

Yea, they said eastern SKyrim. We don't know of the western ones.

What's a "Volkihar"? ....I'm assuming a vampyr clan, right?

Yes. The one that live under the ice. An according to the Cyrodilic vampire, they are paranoid and cruel.

Thanks. =D

I was thinking about it today. Should there be an ability to maybe hypnotize someone so they can feed on them while they are awake? Or maybe some kind of strangle hold or something.

Also, what about passing on vampirism and lychanthropy to others?

That would be great. I would pass it on to my companions, if we had any. And Berne clan in Morrowind does the hypnotizing.

Damn Solstheim was awesome place.

Vampires I think,are definately gonna be there.But i dunno if they are the vampires from Oblivion( :facepalm: ) I dont even want them to be there.But if there are those uhh..what were they called again?Volkhar.....vampires its alright then.
I prefer Werewolves. :mohawk:

If theres gonna be werewolves I hope theres gonna be a quest involving them."Strange,wolf like creatures have been spotted in the town at night" or something like that.

What. We need Oblivion vamps back! But prettier. I still want to walk during the day and manipulate society to meet my agendas! I want the Order vampires. They are civilized and intelligent. Except Lord Lovidicus, who fell in love with an Orc and told her he is a vampire which led him to be locked up inside his own home without blood and suffered as his son was born and he couldn't do jack about it(He broke the tenets of "Reveal thyself to no one"). And Seridur, for being sloppy by feeding on Roland's lover in the Imperial City and laughing away as Roland saw her head hit a stone. Smart enough to blame Roland for it, but dumb enough to let him live.
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Annick Charron
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 5:32 am

Also I don't want my stats to stay the same as a werewolf. I want to become more powerful in wolf form as I become more powerful in regular mode.

Turning into a werewolf only to go to a fixed stat would svck, especially if you got weaker because you'r normal form was stronger.
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:03 pm

this topic is like beating a dead horse it's not going to move
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:16 am

I just got to thinking, if you are outed as a vampire or werewolf, how cool would it be if you were hunted?

It would be awesome to have some werewolf hunter on my heels. And when we finally have our final confrontation I transform and kick his ass. (which is his fault for not watching the moon faze)

Also, vampires sleeping in coffins. Anyone want something like that? I'd add a coffin bed to my basemant.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:49 am

I just got to thinking, if you are outed as a vampire or werewolf, how cool would it be if you were hunted?

It would be awesome to have some werewolf hunter on my heels. And when we finally have our final confrontation I transform and kick his ass. (which is his fault for not watching the moon faze)

Also, vampires sleeping in coffins. Anyone want something like that? I'd add a coffin bed to my basemant.

Oblivion had a sleeping coffin for the Vile Lair DLC.

And I hope for the Werewolf hunters too. It's part of Hircine's thing. Werewilves hunt by night while being hunted at day.
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:26 am

Yes to werebears (it's more suiting for Skyrim)
No to carebears (they're cute)
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:40 am

Yes to werebears (it's more suiting for Skyrim)
No to carebears (they're cute)

How about a http://fashionablygeek.com/t-shirts/the-curse-of-the-care-were/?
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:13 am

I would play as that.
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Kelly James
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:33 am


No wonder the thread is going nowhere.
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:53 am


No wonder the thread is going nowhere.

Not really like we have anywhere to go, though. 5 threads with about 200 posts each (over 1000 posts), and there's no peep of vampires or werecreatures being in the game, let alone playable. I'm sure Bethesda knows full well that we want them in, and we'll get told one way or the other in due time.
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Poetic Vice
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Post » Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:47 am

Agreed. But if I have to suffer through another were-man-bear-pig-snake-monkey Lycanthrope I will throw my laptop out the window. :flamethrower:
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:51 pm

Agreed. But if I have to suffer through another were-man-bear-pig-snake-monkey Lycanthrope I will throw my laptop out the window. :flamethrower:

I can't be a WereSpace Elf-Boar-Bear-Octopus-monkey? :(

By the way Werewolf&Vampire, why did you go for a werewolf avatar instead of that sixy vampire? :hubbahubba:
And yes to coffins. Just for coolness, and because there was one in the Vile Lair.(And it looked sweet)
PS: The Cappadocians also require more coffins!
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