Incoming bubble burst. We're taking the role of Dovakiin or Dragonborn in Skyrim. This means we have Dragon blood in our veins. Dragons are immune to lycanthropy and vampirism. Thus I believe we would be as well. Of course Bethseda may pull some common lore breaking in attempt to better serve the player base. But considering who we'll be I definitely wouldn't mind the Vampirism and and Anthropy aspects of previous games being left out. They could be in game as NPCs but I think the player should be excluded. Mods and such are free reign of course but the base game should take this into account.
Hell No! Just no....-___- Why would they do this at all?
I would rather kill then become any of these so I did not vote I would of added a "None of the above" or "I dont want to become anything" choice but that is just me. I would like to see these things included in Skyrim(Well not wereshark)and I think GI or Bethesda themselves said Werewolves and Vampires are going to be in Skyrim
Than just don't vote, no need to bring it up, I never understood ppl putting that into a poll when that just is like saying "I rather not vote" its just stupid imho.
Not immune to Disease in general, only those specific types. Thinking Logically a creature of Draconic size living off only blood would be unsustainable. And a Dragon turning into a werewolf makes no sense what so ever.
You know how many fans would dislike this course of action?
They have not said if we are even a FULL half of having dragon blood in us, we could have like 25% of it in us for all we know, it just doesn't make any sense as well to be able to get Common Diseases but not get other ones like those is just stupid, again just IMHO but I doubt Beth will go thru with this otherwise why even have Vampires (since they will more than likly be in for sure) ingame if we couldn't become one when we could in every other TES game?!