In the Dunmer and Nord packs, are you going to include unique faces and
hair for Barenziah, Helseth, and Tharsten Heart-Fang?
Tribunal and Bloodmoon will be in a smaller separate download; but, yes, if there is a
unique head and hair mesh to be found on them, then they will recieve a unique pluginless look as well

Does it mean the final product will also be pluginless? As in, better quality, same variety?
Well, the ultimate goal of this is to replace most every NPC face with a unique face (at the
very least a varied face, so a few NPCs might look related just a bit [like cousins at best]).
To do this, a plugin must eventually be implemented. But, for now, I am focusing on
the basic heads so that, at the least, all of the stock heads will match the rest of the
heads in the larger replacer

., I used the original stock textures as a base for the
new versions; I gotta say, though, the original textures, by
themselves, look little like they do when they ended up on
the original meshes

'Til Later :wave: