Rhedd has that great long haired male mesh with the bow. It is however
a little lo-res compared to some of the other newer hair meshes. If you are
going to be adding that style, are you going to redo it? It is a classic style
that needs something new.
I like Rhedd's original styles as well; the full replacer might see a version of that
mesh (with a few modifications by way of alphas)

Ahh i see, so this pack Westly is working on will replace all the heads of the
NPS'c you see walking around Morrowind?
That is the plan (unless they are wearing a closed helm or are, in fact,
not walking around/deceased)

A few Nord NPCs:
@ St. Jiub-
No worries, the heads will be as they are/as I have presented them (no
more no less); the full replacer is where proper personality, age, and
levels of attractiveness (negatively or positively so) will be applied.
I stick by mystatement above (and there is really only so much that
I can do with the odd 8 or so heads that replace X++ amount of Nord
NPCs). In the final replacer, just because they might have used an older
appearing head (which is not really the case as much as it was the
original textures being ambiguously smudged leaving age up to
interpretation in some cases), this does not mean that the same NPC
would not have a younger or even older head. For example, the
head that I have picked out for Raflod the Braggart is a somewhat
attractive yet goofy middle-aged head with a slight smirk on his face and one
eyebrow cocked (to add emphasis to his "sure" attitude). And so
on in kind with most of the NPCs

. So, again, no worries (I've been
thinking about this and taking notes for three years; so no problems :twirl: ).
Take Care :angel: