From the first post

This project seeks to replace most of the NPCs in Vvardenfell with
unique faces while still being compatible with any pluginless replacer that might be floating around or
yet to come.
I think somewhere along the line someone else volunteered me to replace every NPC, and that
has been a rolling misconception since. True, I want to replace as many NPCs as possible
with unique looks (and some races make this easier to acconmplish); but there will be many
that will not necessarily recieve a brand new look outside of the "base" replacer (aka the pluginless
mod of one's choosing). NPCs that are dead, cloned, and wearing full helms, or are vampires
will not be recieving hand picked/specific heads (so that cuts the number down just a bit). Also,
so that I am not driven to closer to the brink of insanity than I already am, the head replacer
will be modular by race. This will cut down the amount of work at one time, for sure; if I
were to only stare at the "big picture" that is this project, I would eventually go blind, or,
at best, cross-eyed
