will you make the vampires too? thinking of your racemods i know you
make great vampire heads (thinking of those altaran heads)
Eventually I will do the Vamp heads too (in a pluginless fashion

Speaking of Pluginless, the first installment of this mod will be a
Pluginless replacer for the upright races (meaning the Argonians
and Khajiit would not be included in the pluginless version

The Pluginless portion will be modular (each race separate). The
heads will stay as close as possible to the look of the original heads
(from my Original Heads Revamped sets). That said, those textures
that I released previously will, themselves, be revamped (higher rez
with more details added, such as freckles/moles, pores, etc).
So far I have reworked the Revamped Breton female, Nord female,
and Breton Male textures. Here is a look at the Breton Female faces
(with the original/Bethesda textures & meshes on the Right-hand side
for comparison [before & after]).
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g235/Wesadam/Mod%20Head%20Packs/BRETONF_Before_After.jpgThese are just the basic versions; the the new MHP replacer in full these same textures
will be reworked on other mesh shapes for additional varied head shapes/profiles, thus
increasing the diversity (with other details and "aging" added).
'Til Later :wave: