These are just awesome! Up until now all the head and hair replacers were unusable for me because they were simply outrageous. They did not fit into Morrowind at all and/or made many character look like a punk. These heads however are very nice and not exaggerated like others. May I suggest that less is often more and that your Master Headpack has too many faces and hairstyles that are very similar to each other. Nonetheless, your work is great and much appreciated. Thanks a lot.
The Master Head Pack was intended to be big (as it was requested, once upon a time in 2005/2006ish that I compile all the heads that I had made into one pack, as many did not like having to download all of the singular packs). As for the similarity of many of the heads (feeling like a parrot here, but in this case I don't mind), that was also intentional. When I was making head textures initially, Oblivion was about to be released. The variations on the same face was my way of providing an option for all player types (should one like a certain face but want it to have a tattoo rather than undecorated, the option was there in most cases; similarly, several of the faces in the DE male pack, specifically, have a "nice" version and one that might look a bit angry/miffed [again, to offer an option for everyone should the want of such variation be desireable]). Once I am finished with these base replacers, though, I will release an update for all the heads that I have released thus far that will increase their varied look (so even the ones that were similar before will no longer be so).
Seems as good a place as any to bring this up, but once you get this done are you going to finish off that Dagoth Ur replacer you were working on in collaboration with Dirnae?
I'm just asking because it'd going to be weird if everyone has a Westly-ized face except everyone's favorite Dagoth. Understandable if you're waiting on Dirnae's animations, but still curious nonetheless and didn't want to bump an old thread back to the top.
Great work on these faces by the way. My eyes have stared at such ugly renderings of imperials for so long they are somewhat confused by how nice yours look. ^_^
I do not feel comfortable releasing Dagoth Ur at this time as he is ultimately incomplete. I could release him on a character model with different animations, but it just would not be him without his haughty laugh and unique spell animations. So, I patiently wait Dirnae. I do not want him to feel pressured at all. Only when and if he is ready to proceed will the old mod thread be bumped by myself (as doing so without positive provocation on my part would not be affirming or productive).

Small thing that you've probably already fixed, but on the fourth head from the top (Imperial), I'm pretty sure that those dark lines are supposed to be shadows under her cheekbones, but you've got them over her cheeks.
I am aware that they are meant to be the shading of defined cheekbones (always was, so no worries there

). However, lest I am able to actually alter the mesh (or have it altered), I am relying on forced perspective in this instance to define the cheeks (with the darker areas of shading forcing the eye to see shadows in most angles of viewing the face, with the only real defining tell being the head at a semi profile as shown in my screens). I was sure someone would mention it at some point, but there is little that I am able to do with it ATM, but I will continue to persue a few options before a release (else, it will have to be forgiveable). While I could use another "racially defined mesh" that has gaunt cheeks, I am happy with these meshes most of all (variations on Rhedd's original Imperial female head). Staying with the same shape makes fitting the hairs a bit easier (the shape of the skullcap, that is, as the profile is varied a bit from head to head).