If they clip, then I am sure to make a note of it in the README (else, physiquing hair is not something that I do myself; the clipping, if any, is negligible at best unless one is making a point of standing around watching characters all the time in every single animation just to see if and when a hair might clip

). I have grown accepting that the "price of beauty" often means that hair/clothes/armor/bodies will sometimes clip or overlap (and thus, grown used to it and do not let it bother me; even many of Beth's items do this from the original game [not an excuse, there, but more of a license/permission to suspend disbelief that every thing will always work exactly the way one wants

] ). If someone wanted to physique all the
long hairs that I may cobble, then that is fine (but this could very well end up being far too many to be done as the possibilities are endless on my modder's cobbling bench

EDIT: Well hello there, Snape! :wave: