I'd like to provide the German community with your mod. esp-only as i always handle your work. may i translate it or have you been already asked for permission? thanks wes

postscriptum: found three little errors
1. Elsweyr is misspelled
2. the boots have wrong filenames: the game searches for xxx_xxx_boot1.nif while the file is named xxx_xxx_bt1.nif. i renamed the file, that was quicker.
3. i'm not sure about the http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad47/UB_WOES/fcot4.jpg? maybe it's a mistake from my side.
Sure, Sister, you may translate the .esp

. Thanks for catching the spelling error (I'll update the .esp as soon as I am able). As for the Boot error, that should be remedied already in the DL available at present (and there is an additional DL on the first page for those that downloaded the mod prior to the missing files being added in to the main file). As for the neck, that was intentional. In my original design cobbling, that robe set was to recieve a neck wrap, but I opted out as I felt like I was getting "neck wrap happy". Thus, what was left was to make a dark undershirt (as they are also dark brown on some of the sets). The reason for the dark texture there was that there was some odd stretching in the UV that did not show with a darker texture there.
Thanks for the screen. I will eventually get round to making a royal robe set for Helseth, but the "Count" robes are pretty dashing on his majesty

My pleasure, Westly. A couple of screenies barely suffice as a way to thank you for the enormous gift you've given us all... and that debt of gratitude extends far beyond this mod; as I was sorting through my screenshots folder, I couldn't help but notice the huge impact your work has had on "my" Morrowind.
And Bohemia - AKA "the test character who refused to die" - says "Hi, and thanks for my face!" :wave:
A gift not just from me, but all the fantastic mesh authors as well. I can paint the textures and squash and stretch a few vertices here and there, but without the mesh authors my textures would be odd paintings without purpose. So a HUGE thanks to they who give form to my dreams and provide a vehicle for my imagination

I can't leave you alone here at all, or I'll miss all the goodies. Been waiting on this one, shame it came out while I was too busy to check this particular forum. Jeez man you're just like crack to a recovering addict yah know?
I am happy to support your addiction, I reckon

. Reading your post, it makes me think of myself as http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXqIEQpmUoU&feature=related (but hopefully less "creepy uncle dave who no one is allowed to be alone with ever" in the process).