That does look nice on her, Helena (and have made a similar robe for in in colouration, but never got round to finishing it up). I'd have to edit the UV on the dress mesh, though (as there is a potential for a "slip" in the alpha'd version of the texture at present).
[Professor Farnsworth] Good News, Everyone! [/Professor Farnsworth]
I have two updated ESPs to offer.
The first is a version of what has already been offered with the errors fixed .
The second is a version of the same, but with most of the items now appropriated into clothing levelled lists .
Liria is still in place, though, to be sure that some of the non-clothing and "rare" items can be bought from her.
A huge thank you to BHL for doing some extra cleaning on the .esps using TES3CMD, as the cleaner the .esps
are then all the better

Take Care, All :wave: !