***************************************************************** The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND: Westly Presents Fine Clothiers of Tamriel *****************************************************************Index:1. Installation2. About the Plugin3. Save Games4. Issues/Bugs/Mild Irritances5. Credits & Usage***************************************************************** INSTALLING THE PLUGIN*****************************************************************Manual Installation:This mod is packaged/archived with 7zip. Should one desire to usethis mod, an archive programme such as 7zip, Winrar, Winace, or Zip Genious should be used to extract/open the information/files herein.(Although, if you are reading this, then you already know how to do extract from archived files, so good for you :) ).Once extracted/opened, just drag and drop the Data Files Folder into the Morrowind folder in your C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\ directory and they will go where they are meant to go (except the README). All thefiles are placed inside folders as marked (become familiar with manual installations, your game will thank you for it). You will then be prompted to overwrite. Click yes/ok and the files should now be properly installed.Files included in the Data Files folder of this mod:Data Files Folder->->Meshes Folder->-> BRZ Folder->->->All Pertinent Mesh Files->-> cHE Folder->->->All Pertinent Folders/Mesh Files->-> cIM Folder->->->All Pertinent Mesh Files->-> cKJ Folder->->->All Pertinent Mesh Files->-> cMSC Folder->->->All Pertinent Folders/Mesh Files->-> MLSND Folder->->->All Pertinent Mesh Files->-> RGR Folder->->->All Pertinent Mesh Files->Textures Folder->->All Pertinent Texture Files->Icons Folder->->ECFR Folder->->->All Pertinent Icon Texture Files->->MLSD Folder->->->All Pertinent Icon Texture Files->Westly_Presents_FCOT.esp->Westly_Presents_FCOT_README.txt (which you are reading right now)***************************************************************** ABOUT THE PLUGIN*****************************************************************This mod is a pre-release of many of the items to be featuredin the EFCR clothing replacer mod (more info here on that...http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1096207-wipz-efcr-clothing-replaceradditions-thread-2/This mod, itself, seeks to make these items available for playersto make use in game by adding a vendor, Liria, to Verara Rendo's Clothing Shop in Suran. She sells all the new items for all of one's one-stop shopping needs.In addition to obtaining the articles from Liria, most of the clothing items have also been placed in leveled lists so that they will appear randomly in containers and other vendors that one would encounter while adventuring. ***************************************************************** Save Games*****************************************************************This basic version of the mod should not conflict with any new save, lest one has another mod that alters Verara Rendo's shop specifically(but then this mod should still be compatible with such as nothing existing has been altered, as only new content has been added).***************************************************************** Issues/Bugs/Mild Irritances*****************************************************************-Most of the textures in the mod are in large format (1024x1024)and many of the articles of clothing use multiples of these large textures. As such, there may be a slight performance hit on oldermachines (just a heads up)-Some of the "Robes" have an "Instant Outfit" quality to them(meaning that they are set up as a robe but might look like a Tunic+Trouser combo). These were designed as such intentionally(but they may be split up in a future update should any desire to mix and match these items as shirts and trousers individually).-Some of the clothing items use alpha channels (the layer in the texture that makes certain bits of a mesh transparent through use of texture specified areas). As such, under certain conditions, the clothing might function awkwardly (like flickering when overlapped with another alpha enabled mesh, or disappearing when spells like "Invisibility" or "Chameleon" are cast on the player (though once the spell is ended, the clothuing should return to normal). This true of many other mods, not just this one (so no worries, enh)?-The items in this mod were designed with the Better Bodies mod in mind. As such, some of the clothing make use of the seeminglyunconventional body slot assignments so as to make use of alpha channels (exposing the body mesh underneath). These articles mightnot be compatible with items that take up the "vanilla" style body parts (so just a heads up there as to the possible clipping or seemingly missing body part when one of these items is worn with a more conventional item). -When accessing Liria's mercantile inventory, there may be a slightdelay. No worries as this is due to the large amount of items thatshe has to sell and the window will open eventually (and subsequent visits will result in the barter window opening even faster).-This is, in essence, a v1.0 of the mod in that I plan on updatingthis with a v1.1/patch version that will add the clothing itemsto the appropriate levelled lists (so that these can also be obtainedfrom casual adventuring, rather than shopping for them)-"reserved for future input on things that, at present, may not be readily apparent"-A Leveled List Merger is reccommended to be sure that the items willappear properly in the containers/barter menus throughout Vvardenfell.One good tool for doing such, MLOX, can be found here...http://code.google.com/p/mlox/wiki/Tes3cmd***************************************************************** Credits & Usage*****************************************************************Silaria - Vest, Shirts and Boot MeshesMandamus - Trouser MeshesRobearberbil (& Korana)- Full Skirt and Sleeve MeshesNioliv - Shirts and Full Robe/Coat MeshesPsymoniser - Belt/Pouch MeshDereko - Back Pack MeshANDY! - High Collar and Female Noble/Countess heeled shoe MeshesSierrebrac - Male Body Suit MeshMantodea/Joel Braddock - Wrist Wrap MeshNiero - Face Wrap MeshesJunkmail - Boot MeshesHurdyGurdy - Side Pouch MeshSmightPlight - Goggle, Puffy Sleeve,and Lace Collar MeshesFenrya13 (& Spirited) - Satchel MeshesGreybeard - Thong Sandal and Slipper Sandal MeshesRobert - Female Wood Elf Head MeshRen & Idkrr - Hair MeshWestly- Textures, Cobbling Meshes/Mesh Parts, and general moddery where applicable
Thank you PsychoDog Studios for BB and BCThank you BHL for doing some extra cleaning on the .espThank you NifTools for NifSkopeThank you to the community for the continuing support.Thank you to AlienSlof for initally pointing me down the right paths when I first began making mods.Permissions = The modded items in this mod are OK to use, but notnecessarily a true "resource" (as I mod with players in mind, so implementing them into a new mod might take some extra doing, but not impossible). Do not re-upload or redistribute this as it is in this archive. If you would like to use this in a mod separate from this given mod, then please make sure that the appropriatecredits are acknowledged and that I am notified so as to assist you if necessary:D.If any changes are made to textures or meshes, then rename them so as to not conflict with the original textures/meshes. I ask, though, that these notbe included in a mod compilation or an overall NPC clothing replacer (as the latter is something that I am working on by utilising these items in this mod specifically). I also ask that the items that correspond to the MLSND and BRZ Folders and their respective textures not be used, as they are going in two other additional mods and would like to keep them unique to this and those mods to keep them "special" (whatever that means, so thanks
). The MLSND and BRZ meshes are OK to use, just not with the given textures
.-------------------------EULA---------------------------Modders for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind may usethese Items/Textures in this mod freely as long as yougive credit to Westly, the original author and right holderof the textures herein and the original mesh authors listed above.Please respect Bethesda's rules and do not charge moneyfor your mod or use these textures outside of the TheElder Scrolls III: Morrowind.Do not reupload or redistribute these textures in any way that is not in the capacity mentioned above for any other purpose than for the modding of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Usage outside of the purpose of modding for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is strictly prohibited.Please Include this information along with a credit to me(Westly) in additional READMEs in an individual sectionconcerning the use of these textures as they are with or without alteration.These requests and permissions cover only this mod andnot the game itself.--------------------------------------------------------Questions? Comments? I can be found at The Bethesda Games Studio Forum with my given id "Westly". Seek me out at this forum. Please PM if you have any questions.
Screens of many of the items (in no particular order)...