***************************************************************** The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND: Westly Presents The Sidhe and Darklings*****************************************************************Index:1. Installation2. Playing the Plugin3. Save Games4. Changing the Face/Race of an Existing Character5. Credits & Usage***************************************************************** INSTALLING THE PLUGIN*****************************************************************Manual Installation:This mod is packaged/archived with 7zip. Should one desire to usethis mod, an archive programme such as 7zip, Winrar, Winace, or Zip Genious should be used to extract/open the information/files herein.(Although, if you are reading this, then you already know how to do extract from archived files, so good for you ).Once extracted/opened, just drag and drop the Data Files Folder onto the Morrowind folder in your C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks directory and they will go where they are meant to go (except the readme and ExtrasFolder). All the files are placed inside folders as marked (become familiarwith manual installations, your game will thank you for it). You will then be prompted to overwrite. Click yes/ok and the files should now beproperly installed.Files included in the Data Files folder of this mod:Data Files Folder->->Meshes Folder->-> "WARDRKF" Folder->->->All Pertinent Mesh Files->->-> "WARSDHE" folder->->->->All Pertinent Mesh Files->Textures Folder->->All Pertinent Texture Files->Westly_Presents_The_Sidhe_and_Darklings.esp->Westly_Presents_The_Sidhe_and_Darklings README.txtIn addition to the regular "Data Files" folder, I have also included an EXTRAS folder.Inside the EXTRAS folder one will find alternate meshes for the Sidhe and Darkling (nvde male and female meshes). This installs much like the initial manual installation (just drag and drop the Alternate "Data Files" into your game's Morrowind Folder; it will overwrite the previous Sidhe or Darkling underwear meshwith the nvde meshes provided). Also in this folder are to options forthe Skin of the Sidhe (blue or green should one desire a different colour). These intall the same way (just choose the skin that you like anddrop its "Data Files" folder inside into your game's Morrowind Folder; it will overwrite the previous Sidhe skin to the new choice).***************************************************************** PLAYING THE PLUGIN*****************************************************************From the Morrowind Launcher, select Data Files and check the box next to Westly_Presents_Tang Mo_People of the Waters.esp (this is a playable race and armour file which requires Morrowind only for play, no expansions needed)This plugin adds:2 new better body playable races, the Sidhe and the Darklings5 female and 5 male Sidhe Heads4 female and 4 male Darkling HeadsMale and Female Vampire heads for both racesA large variety of hairs for each race and their respective sixesRace Descriptions:"The Sidhe (SHEE)"-Denizens of Meridia's Plane, the Sidhe , on occasion, venture from their sphere of light and energy to the world of Tamriel, donning a corporeal form in order to exist in the mortal realms. They are often mistakenly called Fairy or Fae (given their storybook appearance), and perpetuate the legend that they are such creatures as they are elusive at the best of times. They draw their power from Magnus directly, thus glowing with its light even in the darkest of the fell reaches of the world.Stats (Male and Female)STR-30INT-45WIL-45AGI-40SPD-40END-30PER-40LUC-40Skill Bonus-Acrobatics-7Athletics-7Enchant-7Marksman-7Short Blade-7Restoration-10Abilities/Powers/Spells-Glide(Spell)- Allows the spellcaster to jump to a great height andthen soar briefly (fortifys Jump, Athletics, Agility, with a Slowfall bonus)Flight(Spell) Allows the spellcaster to levitate with a slowfall bonus (shouldone climb too high)Radiance (Spell)- Turns the spellcaster into a source of lightMeridia's Warding (Power)- Allows the spellcaster to call on the power of Magnus to turn away the undead while causing the target to act as a lightas it attempts to flee from said light.Fae Magika (Ability) - Fortifies Maximum Magika 12%"The Darkling"-The Darkling, once likened to the Imps that occupy the many lands of Tamriel, were transformed by the Daedra of Darkness, Nocturnal, acting as her eyes and ears in the places where her darkness can not reach. Cloaking themselves in shadow, the Darkling weave in and out of mortal existence in an effort to increase the void, thus allowing Nocturnal's grasp tp reach beyond her shroud of night. They bear her mark upon their body as a twisting entanglement of shadow and thorn; a remnant of the change from beast to dark servant to the Mistress of Night.Stats (Male and Female)STR-45INT-40WIL-35AGI-40SPD-40END-40PER-30LUC-40Skill Bonus-Acrobatics-10Athletics-5Illusion-5Shortblade-5Security-10Sneak-10Abilities/Powers/Spells-Glide(Spell)- Allows the spellcaster to jump to a great height andthen soar briefly (fortifys Jump, Athletics, Agility, with a Slowfall bonus)Flight(Spell) Allows the spellcaster to levitate with a slowfall bonus (shouldone climb too high)Shroud of Nocturnal (Power)- Gives the spellcaster brief resistances to the elementsand weapons at the cost of their healthHysterical Blindness (Power)- once cast causes the target to go blind and mad (whilst preventing the target from casting spells). Drains the spellcastersfatigue in the process, however.Enjoy!***************************************************************** Save Games*****************************************************************This plugin will not invalidate your old saved games. If you save your game while this plugin is loaded, you may encounter error messages when you reload the saved game without the plugin. But you will beable to continue on with the original game.***************************************************************** Changing the Face/Race of an Existing Character*****************************************************************To change the face/race of your existing character without starting a new game, open the console and type "enableracemenu". Choose your new face and hair. Changing your race will cause temporary problems that should resolve themselves when you reload. Always save your game first in case of unpredictable errors and save afterwards in a new file.***************************************************************** Issues/Bugs/Mild Irritances*****************************************************************-The armour is a BB (Better Body) armour. As such it will clip with other body styles (original bodies, smoother bodies, and so on).-These races are BB v2.2 race, so clothing types from some other mods or Smoother Bodies will clip with this body type (just so you know).-The hairs/Wings make use of alpha channelsto define their shape (by use of tranparency). In some instances, when another mesh that makes use of transparencies (say a waterfall mesh)overlaps the meshes that use alphas in this mod, there might be a chance that the hair/Wings will temporarily dissappear ( this also applieswhen casting spells such as Chameleon or Invisibility). This is a known issue, and is not specific to this mod (but in all mods that make use ofalpha channeled meshes [also, in any alpha channeled "stock" mesh too]).-Some of the longer hairstyles will clip with the body during certain animations. Without skinning/physiquing/weight-paintingthis is unaviodable, but worth the minor clip here and there for the character of your choice.-The wings use the neck bodypart of the races; so using any armouror clothing that also uses the neck slot will cause the wings to temporarily disappear (removing the armour/clothing will allow the wings to reappear, so no worries).-The male Darkling nvde mesh is a "placeholder" ATM ('til I can cobble an asymetrical groin body part as the one used currently is not asymetric).***************************************************************** Credits & Usage*****************************************************************Original face models by Rhedd, females and half of the males altered by Robert, in some instances, altered further by Westly.The Head meshes were then reworked by Dirnae in the flattening of the noses (so that their profile is slightly "alien")Original Hair meshes by Ren and Idkrr (with permission)Fairy Wing mesh by AnOldFriend (with modifications by Westly)Wing Animation by PhijamaBB v2.2 mesh by Psychodog StudiosAll Textures by WestlyThank you NifTools for NifSkopeThank you to the community for the continuing support.Thank you to AlienSlof for initally pointing me down the right paths when I first began making mods.Permissions = Feel free to use this mod as it exists in this archive (just do not re-upload or redistribute this as it is in this archive). If you would like to use this in a mod then please make sure that the appropriate credits are acknowledged and that I am notified so as to assist you if necessary:D.If any changes are made to textures or meshes, then rename them so as to not conflict with the original textures/meshes. It is my desire that this not become included in a compilation or large mod pack or used in its entiretyin another mod. If one wants to use the items in this mod (in their entirety)then the easier thing to do is to make your mod depend on my original mod files(meshes and textures), as such would then be supported by updates by myself (Westly). -------------------------EULA---------------------------Modders for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind may usethese Items/Textures in this mod (textures unchanged) as long as yougive credit to Westly, the original author and right holderof the textures herein and the original mesh authors listed above.Please respect Bethesda's rules and do not charge moneyfor your mod or use these textures outside of the TheElder Scrolls III: Morrowind.Do not reupload or redistribute these textures in any way that is not in the capacity mentioned above for any other purpose than for the modding of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Usage outside of the purpose of modding for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is strictly prohibited.Please Include this information along with a credit to me(Westly) in additional READMEs in an individual sectionconcerning the use of these textures as they are without alteration (whereas any alterations are prohibited).These requests and permissions cover only this mod andnot the game itself.--------------------------------------------------------Questions? Comments? I hang around Planet Elder Scrolls and Bethesda Games Studio Forums with my given id "Westly" (Wesadam at PES). Seek me out at these forums. Please PM if you have any questions.DO NOT UPLOAD/REUPLOAD OR REDISTRIBUTE THIS MOD ON OTHER MOD OR FILESHARING SITES
I'll post more screens when I have a bit more time (sorry about that