» Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:01 pm
We've only heard about dynamic snow, we don't know if rain gets the same treatment as snow or not. Though I'd think that the same technology that allows the game to determine if snow should be able to to accumulate on something or not could be adapted to rain as well, with some changes to ensure it behaves like rain rather than snow, and of course a different effect that looks like rain water rather than snow, but will it be done? It waits to be seen. Certainly, having the environment actually look wet during rain isn't impossible, in Red Dead Redemption for example when it rains, one can see puddles on the ground, I'm not exactly sure how this is done, but it shows that current technology can do this, maybe Skyrim could do it too, then, we'll see.
Though I wouldn't expect to see it on characters, whether for rain or snow, just on the environment, rocks, trees, the ground, buildings, that sort of thing, but of course, maybe I'll end up being wrong.