What about DLC

Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:55 pm

Ok, we know eventually that Skyrim will make DLC. Even though its a little early, what kind of DLC would you like to have? From the topic about the dude who wants Dwemer mods. I think a DLC about reliving the times of the Dwemer in Skyrim, would be an awesome DLC. Now. You guys list some DLC's you would like to see in Skyrim. Discuss away!
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:12 pm

A return to Cyrodiil.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:04 pm

A return to Cyrodiil.

That would be pretty cool actually. I think it might take to much memory for the game. Would be cool though!
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:21 am

I'm hoping for DLCs (and dare I hope, expansions) that seamlessly add on to the world, rather than taking place in separate worldspaces, as it did in Morrowind and Oblivion.

An add-on that takes place in a chunk of High Rock, and focuses on Orsinium seems like a good possibility to me.
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:10 pm

A return to Cyrodiil would be interesting... they obviously couldn't do the whole province, so what area would they pick? Maybe a fully realized Imperial City?

I like the Orsinium idea the best though.
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:02 am

I don't care how it's done as long as it's more.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:04 pm

That would be pretty cool actually. I think it might take to much money for the game. Would be cool though!

The time and money it would cost to recreate a full region would be better spent on another game.
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:25 am

im hoping for something like knights of the nine, that was a great 1
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:35 am

I'm hoping for expansions... and non-360 exclusive. It doesn't seem as though we will be getting any expansions, though, and from past history and current situations, it does seem that it will be 360 exclusive, so PC (now under steam) and PS3 players will be left to rot, in that case. Then, I'll be on these forums complaining about it, as usual, nothing will come about it, and I'll storm off in anger, just play Skyrim to forget about it, and get angry about the lack of expansions because Morrowind and Oblivion just don't feel complete without their respective expansions, in my opinion, and I think Skyrim needs at least one. The moral of my rant is to expect the worst... that way you aren't quite as ticked off when the worst becomes (and, sadly, it WILL become) reality.
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Connor Wing
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 7:00 pm

Expect horse armor and a bunch of player housing. :thumbsup:
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 7:53 pm

Expect horse armor and a bunch of player housing. :thumbsup:

Count me in then.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:59 pm

I'd prefer an expansion pack over DLC. There are far too many games these days that just offer something like an extra gun or two for a few pounds that don't add anything inportant to the game. Fortunately the Elder Scrolls games have had good expansions and some good DLC too.
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:28 pm

How much did the dlc cost for oblivion? I bought it all on steam for sale so I honestly don't know. It was probably like this "buy crappy houses and horse armor for $30". Who needs an expansion with a deal like that, huh?! Then later release an actual expansion, and realize "WTF, we sold them a bunch of crappy houses and horse armor for the same price as an expansion... and they bought it!?!? Why did we make an expansion!? Let's spin some yarn about it's too hard to make expansions and our brains hurt, the die hards will eat it up! Then we can keep selling crappy houses and horse armor in skyrim!! People will say we are doing it for the money or are lazy and turning to greed, but don't worry guys. You know these idiots believe anything we say!! Like remember we removed spellmaking, and those people saying it added more depth without it!!!?? Haha infinite spells and spell combos vs 81!! Fools!!".

So ya..... Dlc will be a joke, since they already have their excuses in place for why there will be no expansions. Ya know, like when someone will say, "I wish they made an expansion instead of more crappy houses etc". And then 50 people will be like, "well Todd said it's too much work, and they didn't make as much money as they'd hoped!". When in reality it's, "you bought crappy houses and horse armor, idiot!! We all did!! Idiots!! Arghhh!!why the [censored] did we buy crappy houses and horse armor for the price of the expansions!!"

The fact that oblivion sold more then morrowind, and skyrim will more likely then not sell more than both of them makes the "we didn't sell alot" [censored] to me. We get [censored] dlc because we are idiots who buy it. They know, they don't actually "care", so we will get our crappy houses, they get their money, and cannons stick up for them, blinded by their hardcoe loyalty.

Edit: cannons should be [censored], silly iPhone spell check!!

Look I'm on a phone and wrote more then a two worded reply! :)

Edit 2: didn't realize that words censored here! Censorship ftw!
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:49 am

I'd like to see a DLC where you embark on a quest to slay a sea monster of some kind. It could begin by you overhearing a story in a pub. You could talk to the shipman telling the story, and it would go from there.
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:50 pm

I want to see a proper full length expansion.

But since I know we're not getting that, I'll say I'd rather Bethesda focus on getting the game finished before thinking about DLC, and if they suddenly have a really great idea for new content, if the circumstances allow it, they should put it in the released game rather than intentionally leaving it out so it can be marketed as DLC later.
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Kari Depp
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 7:01 pm

I know that this might just start another argument but i have to say it. CDProjekt said that they do not plan to make people pay for DLCs for The Witcher 2. bethesda should follow. altough if there are true expansions they will make people pay. wich is understandable since a big expansions takes a lot more effort than a small DLC
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:49 am

I'll buy crappy houses DLC only if they're absolutely necessary for great mods as better cities or elsweyr.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:45 pm

All DLC for The Witcher will be free!
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:56 am

I want to see a proper full length expansion.

But since I know we're not getting that, I'll say I'd rather Bethesda focus on getting the game finished before thinking about DLC, and if they suddenly have a really great idea for new content, if the circumstances allow it, they should put it in the released game rather than intentionally leaving it out so it can be marketed as DLC later.

gamesas will think of the fans first and money second when hell freezes over.

I know that this might just start another argument but i have to say it. CDProjekt said that they do not plan to make people pay for DLCs for The Witcher 2. bethesda should follow. altough if there are true expansions they will make people pay. wich is understandable since a big expansions takes a lot more effort than a small DLC

Read above reply.
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:32 pm

I want to see a proper full length expansion.

But since I know we're not getting that, I'll say I'd rather Bethesda focus on getting the game finished before thinking about DLC, and if they suddenly have a really great idea for new content, if the circumstances allow it, they should put it in the released game rather than intentionally leaving it out so it can be marketed as DLC later.

gamesas will think of the fans first and money second when hell freezes over.

I know that this might just start another argument but i have to say it. CDProjekt said that they do not plan to make people pay for DLCs for The Witcher 2. bethesda should follow. altough if there are true expansions they will make people pay. wich is understandable since a big expansions takes a lot more effort than a small DLC

Read above reply.
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:00 am

I am old fasiohend of the older generation I didn't grow up with silly dlc's , for a small quest , 10 bucks ???? .... Just a expansion with , 40/50 hours of content would be nice .... But ye, expansions is so 90's
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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:30 am

Guys, the Witcher is a PC game. Microsoft isnt a fan of FREE ANYTHING. Heck the reason patches are so infrequent on the consoles is because the consoles dont like using bandwidth without charging something, Microsoft specifically. Then MS uses the money they generate to buy exclusivity of DLC.(seems that sony rather buy studios than exclusives, meh. I have no clue which strategy is better, guess time will tell.)

Us as consumers give them all the incentive they need to make inferior DLC if we continue to purchase it. You dont want to see crappy dlc for $$$... Then DONT buy it. In the last 10 years I have only purchased a handful of games without being satisfied with meta anolysis reviews and the general thoughts of the consumers that actually purchased it. It was a mistake every time. There are several companies that I no longer purchase from because they have mistreated their customers. New Vegas was my last one. I bought it because of how EXTREMELY pleased I was with Fallout 3, I never imagined the game would be released so broken... The game was good, but it wasnt good till several months AFTER I already had acquired it.(it was purchased several months before release) The name on the cover was one I believed in completely. I learned my lesson. As far as DLC is concerned, Ive bought a couple map packs for FPSs I loved and for a couple of Bethesda games. But it wasnt all the DLC available, only the ones that were worth it to me and only after I was sure they worked.

Anywho, you cant compare a PC game with a multi release title, as far as extra content goes. But if its any consolation(he he he, puns are fun)... Nothing is forever, there will be other players in the video game market, with different revenue ideas as time moves forward.

Hell, as long as good games continue to be released, we cant complain to much.(the same goes for movies, tv, books, sports or whatever you get entertained by. in a dynamic world always in crisis, im happy good & fun stuff is still created.)

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Curveballs On Phoenix
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:51 am

how exactly would we relive the time of the dwemer in DLC?

unless its seperately chosen at the main menu and we create a dwemer character in an expansion that takes place in ancient times when the dwemer were alive... i dont see it working well.

otherwise, how would it work? our character travelling back in time?

how would we do that... somehow walk up to alduin and politely ask him to send us back in time?

i suppose there could be some mages added to the game, messing with magicks that might screw with time, and blow us back several ages... though it'd require a good, solid explanation, or we may as well just take a big crap on the lore itself.
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:51 am

I personally would like 2 large expansions:

1) A visit to another realm of the deadra Azura maybe, her realm is apparently :-- According to lore that I have read, "it is blindingly beautiful and colorful, with flowers, waterfalls, trees, and a city of silver. The Winged Twilights are her equivelent of the golden saint or dark seducers and she lives in a rose palace"... or maybe, Hermaeus Mora's realm which is "an endless library where all forbidden knowledge can be found. The books all have black covers with no titles, and the library is haunted by ghosts forever searching for knowledge".

2) I would also like a expansion that visits the land of Atmora which is where the Nords originally came from over the sea to the North of Skyrim (I beleive).

If both were each roughly the size of the Shivering Isles it would be perfect

Aside from this a few little add on dlc like extra weapons or small quests like Wizzards tower for example. As long as most effort is put into expansions it will be great, although to be honest I would realistically only expect one dlc release to be Shivering Isle size, the rest rest will prob be small insignificant stuff (horse armour maybe)!?

What does everyone think?
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:59 pm

Whatever the dlc is, I hope they take into account the three different fighting styles. The Knights of the Nine was fun, but kinda svcked when you got a sword for your mage. Its a cool sword and even cooler armor...but its kinda worthless for a mage, and didn't look like something a theif would use.
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