» Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:55 pm
Having feet has more to do with the game engine than anything else.
The most commonly used First-Person engines out there are the Doom 3 Engine (made and licensed by id Software) and the Unreal 3 Engine (made and licensed by Epic Games). There isn't a single game using the Doom 3 Engine that has legs/feet. Pretty much ALL of the First-Person Games using the Unreal 3 Engine have legs/feet. These aren't the ONLY two First-Person engines though, there are many, some being new, some being old. But MOST of them are more than 6 years old now, the newest being the Unreal 3 Engine.
This is the reason so many folks are interested in RAGE coming out tomorrow. It's the first game to be released using id Software's new Doom 4 Engine, an Engine which Carmack has said will be licensed and used in other games for the next 10 years. He also has said the game is scaled down quite a bit from what the Engine is truly capable of, mostly because the current consoles, both PS3 and 360, can't handle the full power of the Engine, and most PCs can't either. He finished up that statement by saying, "this engine is next-gen." Meaning, it's actually intended for the next generation of consoles and PCs.
The "Creation Engine" as they have dubbed their "new" Engine is actually not NEW, but a modified version of the Gamebryo engine which Morrowind, Oblvion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and a BUNCH of other games have used. The Gamebyro engine isn't even an exclusively First-Person engine, being used in Civilization IV, Epic Mickey, Bully, and even the recent MMO Rift. In none of the Gamebyro First Person games is the player able to look down and see their legs/feet.
So I think we can safely assume ... we won't have legs/feet in First Person ... but you can always play in 3rd Person if it's that important to you.