I've played tonight on one of 4netplayers servers and i've got the folowing comments from people:
*hidden name* : Accoused me of cheating for beeing good aimer and walk through map with ratio of 16/2.
*hidden name* : Insulted my mother to have six with her?
*hidden name* : i've been chating around and wrote down that i'm beein "pro" all though i'm not having my self as one. Was just the best player on server. So they again insluted my mother about somthing.
And i could go on...
So my quastion. People that cheat are really supposed to get banned, but what about people that insult others and make the "chat" in-game rediculuse (sry for wrong expression) to even use?
I'm really suprised at people on this damn world,
I've borned in wrong century.
Good night all.