A flashback? I cant remember a guy called Alcatraz was on raptor team.
I think Alcatraz is some random guy comin out of a grocery in manhatten and ,,,,BOOOM Aliens...

This is a job for... where the hell is my suit - guy. he he...
Okay .. thats not gonna be how it happened

I dont want to be an asshole or a spoilsport.. but you know consoles have to run that game too,,, and jungles have proven themselfs to otherwise look **** ( lack of detail and shadows) or to be not achieveable on consoles at all ( Crysis 1 scenario )
Well we have prophet in crysis 2 right? Or the flashback comes from crynet's battlefield database that every nanosuit is linked to, and we're actually playing as another nanosuit user...As long as crytek would like to do it, they can always come up with something to integrate the jungle level into the main storyline...When it comes to consoles' limites, since crysis 2 is in fact a linear game, i don't think therer would be too much of a problem.