drinking mead give them a boost in damage resistance.
drinking mead increase their attack power.
drinking mead increased their strength attribute by double what it normally does to other races and doesnt affect their intelligence.
drinking mead could boost their speechcraft........who doesnt love a drunk nord.
drinking mead allows them to use special attacks similar to the drunken master kung fu style........only with axes.
drinking mead very rarely causes the character to pass out and wake up in some random location without their clothes. i would make this somethign like a 2 or 3% chance at most.
drinking mead will cause you character to start telling some random totally [censored] story that you as the player cannot stop until it is over with......this of course would only occur if you did it in someones house or a bar.
drinking mead will give a small boost to some random skill on very rare occasions.
any more ideas?