I understand some are concerned about the more set in stone background but it still boggles the mind. Nothing has changed really. You can still tell your story after you emerge. In Mad Max, Max loses it after his wife died. Things like this can change a person for the rest of his life. We are basically dealing with a clean slate when you emerge. To me it invokes feelings of being baptized. The vault was your dunk in the river, and now you are reborn. If it was to compare this one pinnacle moment to any other, it would be in Bioshock. In Bioshock a certain character is baptized after a battle and is born again. He takes a new name and goes on to do things that completely change the person he is.
Sure you are forced to start as a married man/woman with a child. Elder Scrolls and Fallout games split the fanbase like no other games out there. On the one hand, we have those who complain about their being a lack of a well balanced story (which I for one disagree with completely), and then those who now complain that we are now restricted to much. Now hear this, Todd himself said the stories of Elder Scrolls and Fallout was not as emotional as they wanted. Why? Our character had no voice. We couldn't feel the impact of our voice. He also said that because the player was given such a basic background, it prevented them from having an emotion an emotional story. Now we have the best of both worlds. Those that want to be engrossed can be, and those who want to just be free to not care can still do that! I don't see why people are complaining.