I was originally going to post my own angry opinion about things here, but then I realized this was probably something worth gathering information about semi-professionally. I think Bethesda and their "traditional, hardcoe, PC gaming fans" (or whichever subset of the fanbase thinks Skyrim will get "dumbed down") have an unclear picture of what it is the rest of The Elder Scrolls fanbase actually
wants. This survey is for self-identified console, casual, or "mainstream" gamers only, please.
For Question 5, selecting a feature as "Optional" means that the player would have the option of enabling it when creating a new character, while selecting a feature as "Not Optional" means you would like that feature to be built into the game.
EDIT: Since apparently there was some confusion: The title is sarcastic. I consider myself a console gamer and first played Morrowind on an Xbox.