I personally would never wear a motorcycle helmet. Have you ever seen Seagrave Holmes?

I second this, it looks absolutely ridiculous. :laugh:
Ya, and he's pretty cute if you can get him out of it. lol. Although, if you are playing on a console it's a lot of work.
I will not, under any circumstances, ok, well maybe if I was stark naked and had to go fight through the MQ of Broken Steel and needed to wear something, then I would, but otherwise, I would never, ever wear the T-51b PA. I think it is the ugliest stuff ever. I'd rather wear a tattered slave outfit from The Pitt.
Now I'm intrigued. So how do you get that hideous thing off Seagrave's head? Is it one of those complicated reverse pickpocket operations involving three different types of hat, some glasses, a hockey mask and a crunchy mutfruit?
I think all power armour is pretty ugly other than the Outcast version, which is the coolest thing ever. :yes: