Mahaha, brilliant. :celebration:
I had seen the trailer when it came out but did not register dual wield being in it, though I take it you are referring to the scene where he is using a magic item in his left hand while holding a sword in his right. Do we have anything else? Dual wielding wasn't mentioned in either of the interviews I read.
I tend to play stealthy assassin types in the beginning and then develop normal fighter mage type skills later on. Two daggers or short swords or a combination of the two would be my normal weapon choices. It will depend on what is available really. Later on I will switch to longsword short sword combo. (at the latest when we start finding artifacts) :toughninja:
Wow, ok, it's been one of the big headlines on confirmed features in the game. Check out if you haven't already, but more specifically the section and
Yah, looking forward to both short and long sword dual welding goodness. I have to agree, I have the same preference as you, initally favouring a stealth archeotype, before filling it out with pure melee goodness (and a dash of magic for good measure). But, would especially like to dual wield some long, slim, elegant blades, viz a viz blade dancer type.