Nope it's 50, or about 50 as this R. Ham quote says that I got from the Brink Bible.
“Now the important thing is: we let you level up. We have about 50 different abilities. Every time you level up, you get one new ability; and you level up to 20 (that’s our level cap), so you’ll be able to give your character 20 abilities. So, you know, that’s a small percentage of all the stuff which you could possibly do. In doing that, it creates a very specific character that’s unique to you, where you can’t do everything, but you can choose to supplement weaknesses.”
- Richard Ham, Creative Director
It also says this in the Brink Bible (Update 2):
-In a Q&A, Richard Ham mentions that they have 58 abilities. This number cannot be evenly divided into 5 (4 classes and Universal) so I am unsure how the abilities are split up. So now, it appears that the lvl cap is 20 and there are 58 abilities to choose from.
Here is the Richard Ham Quote:
Well, there’s plenty, I mean we have 58 different perks after all.
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