The factions are too rushed and random.
Marriages are pointless and insignificant.
Civil War
Hmmm, thats about it
The factions are too rushed and random.
Marriages are pointless and insignificant.
Civil War
Hmmm, thats about it
Last few days I've gone back and had another run-through with FNV, seeing if my views on it had changed...
I came out of it with two things...first, Skyrim truly shows what a poorly conceived, poorly constructed and half-planned out waste of developer effort FNV was, with whatever redeemable features wholly buried under the landslide of 'ho-hum' and 'mundane'. Second, despite it's faults (and I mean genuine ones, not personal taste issues), Skyrim is generationally advanced on FNV, far beyond the few years difference in release dates.
There are things that need tidying:
Horses and mounted combat; bugs not being sorted (both prior to release and afterwards); 'difficulty balancing' (just a few, there's a lot more).
My armour, have you see how dim the sheen is on this cuirass? :/
Factions - Quest lines needed to be longer + I would like the guild ranks back and privileges when reaching a certain rank
(eg: Daggerfall had potion making, teleport services). Too many missing spells and spell-making from earlier games - ie: open, mark,recall,levitate, fortify, cure disease.
Skyrim appears to be set in a type of "dark ages" where a lot of magic is forgotten.
Becoming leader of the factions lacks polish that's for sure at the very least people should have different dialog that acknowledge your position.
Not enough dialog and why is there no six ? all it would need is a suggestion of it some movement under the sheets and some giggling.
Why does everyone sleep on top of the sheets rather than under them ?.
I do like the dragons and legendary difficulty makes them dangerous but the AI they use is seriously pants.
Yes I know its not in the game so I cant really complain that it lakes polish but the game as a whole at least to me seems to lack a little polish without a hardcoe mode.
The CW quest line is missing half of its content, we dont have spell making, why in gods name every class you make has to pick locks is beyond me, why not let me smash it, or open it with a spell, there is quite a list to be honest.
Also, why am I invulnerable to certain spells now? In oblivion I had to watch for being silenced and being paralyzed, but those two effects just disappeared, also, you used to be able to knock enemies down, and vice versa, wtf happened to that?
Everything... a few more months would not have hurt sales. Me thinks Ceos and board members are out of touch with the market they target. Yes they made a ton of cash. Imagine how much more they would have made if this was the epic TES they claimed/tried to make it be.
Missing Windhelm Pit
Windhelm not completed
Winterhold butchered
Factions are rushed and not done properly. Hell i became the archmage in 4 hours
Missing civil war quests and scenes
No, seriously, everything. From game mechanics, to plot, to pacing, to quality assurance. Everything in this game was a bad joke compared to the other games.
It's funny people mentioned the marketing department. Fleetwood Mac's number one fan cannot wash his hands of this ordeal but i have to wonder how much sway does He Who Shall Not Be Named and his piers had over this game. One thing is certain, the mentality in Bethesda has changed and people should not expect the same things they did before.
I think the bigger problem is that they tried to do too much with too little time. Or, like in the case of guilds, had to abandon the original plans.
Regardless, they ran out of time, and as such pretty much everything is half-assed.
It shouldn't have been released until it's done. Though given that BGS releases games at so slow pace, maybe they just couldn't wait any longer?
Yeah, i felt they were all too short, like you start off as a Beginner, two quest later you're in the middle, then three quest later you're the leader, all in the spam of a week.
I think the thieves guild quest line was the only one that stacked up compared to the others, but the companions, college of winterhold, was just boring crap. Dark brotherhood had room for improvement, being the leader just didnt have the kind of benefits I wanted.
They said you would be riding dragons, they never said you would be controlling them, and honestly op I am actually surprised you didn't mention destruction in your post.
1. No support for disabling casual player aids in the game's options menu. I mean all the markers in the Compass and the Sneak Icon. Without mods and .ini file tweaking there's only support for making the whole HUD transparent.
2. No support for adjusting Field of View on PC in the game's options menu. Default 65 degrees is made for long range couch playing (consoles).
3. No first person view for horse riding, werewolf playing etc.
Factions (Almost all of the factions feel unfinished)
Beast race tail animations
Radiant quests
Main quest
Civil War
Bugs/glitches at release
As so many have said before me: factions.
It really bothers me, that in theory, I can become leader of every faction in the game with a single character, simply because I don't actually have to qualify for the job.
Factions for one. They have like no soul at all whatsoever. The only decent one was the DB.