What are some half-polished things that anger you?

Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:32 am

You are not alone. I really enjoy the magic system.

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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:57 am

They often start out so strong though. which is kind of frustrating. How cool was it to have an actual class at the mages college? Adjusting playstyles helped a lot with thr mages college. Not rushing through and doing all the side quests. The companions needs a mod to help it along though. The factions don't ruin things for me me but I prefered Oblvions or even Morrowind's larger factions and more complex storylines. That being said the factions aren't terrible just a little short and simple.

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Nancy RIP
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:19 pm

Come to think of it, I don't think there are many things in Skyrim that weren't half-assed.

Quests are the most important though. Oblivion had very good quests and many that were truly memorable (Whodunit?) while Skyrim feels just so... empty. Meaningless. Kill bear, get money. Kill bandit, get money. Kill Alduin, get nothing.

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Farrah Lee
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:02 pm

Makes sense huh, lol.

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Vera Maslar
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:38 pm

Item manipulation. As a person who loved decorating his home in Oblivion, this is the only thing that honestly "angers" me. SOme of the other stuff just disappoints.

People who say tail animations anger them just make me chuckle. Seriously that makes you angry?

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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:14 pm

I wholly disagree, I think the game is fantastic as is, and it is certainly the most "epic" TES yet.

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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:23 pm

I have no idea what happened with that quote/post...half-***ed forum formating...

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Mr. Ray
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:58 pm

1. Dual wielding, but only one sheath.

Where do I got my other weapon from? Did I summon it like a magician and his rabbit? :bunny:

2. Factions

3. No proper character length in first person, if I play an Altmer in first person, it feels like I am watching with my neck.

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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 4:53 pm

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Nick Tyler
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:43 pm

The problem with staff enchanting would depend on how they decide to implement staves. In Morrowind, staves were simply another weapon and were enchanted the same as normal weapons. In Oblivion, staves specifically held anywhere from one to three magical effects rather than spells. In Skyrim, they're D&D wands.

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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:23 am

Can you believe they are actually releasing the game again with all the bugs that have been identified by the community ages ago?

Right now on PS3 any new character that is created is unable to save, load or change settings unless they create a settings save while still in the prisoner carriage. That means everyone that buys the game will immediately get a glitched character that can't save load or change settings, because no one thinks to pause the game during the intro and mess with the settings on their first character, why would you?

It's bug introduced with 1.8, is still there, and i am willing to bet will be there in the Legenday Edition.

Forums, how do they work?

Because their isn't one. There isn't one single thing that was improved in skyrim other then graphics, which would be something hard to fail at even for Bethesda. Art design is subjective to taste, therefor it does not count. Oh you know what, scratch that. Lock picking is better, GOTY confirmed.

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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:13 pm

I think sovangrade was very rushed and hollow, I mean its the heroes of skyrims heaven ( figuratively speaking) and there wasn't even any real exploring when you get there. Maybe it was just me, but the soul cairn had more substance than sovangrade. If I'm wrong I'm sure somebody will let me know here
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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:48 pm

So you can honestly say you found combat, dungeons, level scaling, and the overall leveling system better in previous games?

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Gill Mackin
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:17 pm

I think 95% of the members here will agree that Skyrim has a much, much better designed world than Oblivion. I honestly don't think it's realistically debatable. There are so many other improvements, like smithing, enchanting, world interaction, level scaling, combat, archery, art design... I could go on, but most of us here on the forums will agree that Skyrim definitely improved on many, many things from Oblivion.

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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:55 am

The overall leveling system in the previous TES games were better. The one in Skyrim is shallow.

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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:20 pm

Personally, I think enchanting is a step backward in Skyrim. In past games, enchanting was based on the spells you knew, so if you wanted a levitate on cast ring, you needed to know the levitate effect from a spell.

Now, you disenchant things like an MMORPG.

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Matt Bee
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:28 am

I praised the Divines that those multipliers are gone. No longer must I use skills my character never would just to get those coveted +5s.

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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:48 pm

1) Cant disable kill cams

2) No respec before leaving helgen keep (forced to watch execution anytime I make new character)

3) Constant forced 3rd person (horse, werewolf, killcams, using workstations)

4) Poor horseriding, worse than Oblivions. Slow, glitchy sprint sound, awful sprint distance.

5) Bad journal system. No details to information, too reliant on quest markers.

6) Terrible world map, more like a satelite image than a crumpled up map in my back pocket.

7) Unnessesary camera shift when drawing a weapon in 3rd person. Please leave the cam where it is.

8) Immortal NPC's. Much worse than it was in Oblivion.

9) Awful delay when switching between bow/sword in hotkey. Aswell as glitchy draw sound/animation being played twice. A year later without patching this? seriously.

10) Linear dungeons. 90% of dungeons are just straight corridors with no sense of exploration or intimidation. A 2 hour long corridor does not a deep dungeon dive make.

11) Skooma... it could have been a really unique narcotic, but the best they could come up with was a weak stamina potion.

12) No mortar pestle, at the very least let us make basic potions out in the wild. I never carried a glass alymbic for RP reasons, but always had my trusty mortar and pestle.

13) No weapon degredation. Gear maintenence was a whole other dimension one had to consider when going on an adventure.. no reason to take it out.

14) Arrows dissapear after a certain distance. This did not happen in oblivion.

15) No hand to hand skill. And cant block when using the hand to hand you can do.

16) Not 1 single bookshop.

17) No handicaps in the game world. Ie I can walk into windhelm dressed as an imperial, or walk into whiterun as a khajiit. Dont be afraid to penalise players!

18) Blacksmiths cant upgrade gear for you. This is their job, they should be able to improve your gear for a small sum of gold.

19) Rain still passes through shelters. They managed to fix this in the Fallout new vegas expansion set in the canyons.

20) Nirnroots are too loud... in oblivion they were a gentle hum, now I pick them up just to make them sthu.

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Brittany Abner
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 4:46 pm

No, i just noticed in some places they are worse than in Oblivion.
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:36 pm

Morrowind did dungeons better in terms of handplaced loot and pleasant surprises. Take that Daedric shrine near Ald Velothi, where a levitation spell will bring you to two Daedric weapons and some treasure chests, or plundering that one tomb near Gnaar Mok and stumbling across the best defensive ring in the game.

Combat is still meh. Swing a weapon and do damage. Whooo.

Level scaling still exists; nothing like walking into a tomb at high level and finding yourself face to face with a half-dozen draugr deathlords. Morrowind still did this better.

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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:55 pm

Pleasent surprises are nice, but never liked handplaced loot. What's the point of exploring if you all ready know whats there. Nice for your first time, but not so much after.

Regardless whether you find combat meh, it is still better then previous.

Morrowind becomes a cakewalk after you level up. That game needed some sort of scaling.

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Kim Kay
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:09 pm

What's the point of exploring if there's nothing to gain from it? Handplaced loot made me take exploring more seriously, because I didn't know what other gems I'd find. It's better than Skyrim's billion or so iron swords/ancient nordic swords/iron axe/yet another iron axe.

By that logic, what's the point of exploring Skyrim? You already know what's going to be there - nothing. Just zoom to the treasure chest/boss.

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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:12 pm

The Companions and the College stories seem to be missing not only a proper end but also some passages to comprehend the events unfolding.

It almost seems that a lot of content pertaining these two quest lines was left out.
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:39 am

I have to agree on the factions. Most of the time I didn't know the names of most of my guild colleagues and I was made guildleader. Even more annoying was that it's mostly just one or two quests in before it's already established that you eventually will be guildleader.

Dear Beth, it's cool that you want us to lead a faction, but if I do not have to work for something it's not going to feel rewarding.

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Lexy Dick
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:16 pm

The main questline

All the guilds (Especially The Companions)

Horse combat

Horses (Look more like ponies)

The Civil War

The voice acting (Poorest voice acting I've seen in a game)

The weapons (Very few unique designs)

The leveling system (By level 15 you are already over-powered)

Money (There's too much of it)

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