What are some half-polished things that anger you?

Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:48 am

They had the overarching storyline done in Oblivion. They had the miscellaneous jobs related to the guild done in Morrowind. They should have just combined the two for Skyrim.

Like doing Saarthal, and then having some college lesson quests, maybe Phinis thinks that dealing with an unbound fire atronach harassing a village will be a good test for a novice, maybe Faralda's been receiving rumors of a Destruction specialist harassing a town while claiming to be affiliated with the college, maybe a court wizard's looking for help and Mirabelle suggests you use this to hone your practical skills, etc.

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Jessica White
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:27 pm

That's why there needs not be level scaling, or atleast dungeons with high lowest level for the scaling. It doesn't matter if you know where the hammer of epic smiting is if you can't kill the enemies guarding it :wink:

They had some of that in Skyrim, , but the lowest levels are so low everywhere that it might as well not even be there :shrug: Some Death Overlords spawn even at level 1 though.
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:45 pm

Carrying system, items, dead bodies etc.

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Ross Zombie
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:50 am

Horses in Skyrim actually look exactly like they should. Horses in cold environments are generally shorter and bulkier, and I suspect Skyrim's horses were based on the Icelandic horse or the Finnhorse which are indeed small.



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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:14 pm

I don't think there's an answer here that brings me any anger, but maybe some frustration. Took seemingly forever, but Bethesda did finally make a huge improvement for PS3 players with the frame lag issue with the last two patches. That was the only thing I experienced true anger with in Skyrim.

Most of the rest of my frustration just stems from the lack of quality writing and overall cohesiveness within the storylines experienced. The short stories we find within dungeons are fine, but the ongoing factions are all very disjointed, choppy. The companions/followers are decent characters, but not interactive enough dialogue and sidequest wise to establish any real sense of connectiviety beyond co-incidental. Similarly there is no sense of loss experienced when a member dies, or is missing in the questlines . Bethesda ramped up Serana's AI presence substantially to demonstrate it was possible, but the point is, this level needed be experienced in many other of the primary characters in Skyrim, and especially those enlistable as travelling companions. Sadly, most are pretty wooden in their re-actions and dialogue options. The game seemingly has no heart to it, no sense of growth or real acknowledgement is imparted with ones progress. Civil war ends, nothing, Dragon menace negated, nothing, Thalmor menace, totally ignored. Other than trivial piffle from the smart aleck guard, or you should join the mages at Winterhold, or "I'l never forget what you've done for Solitude"

It's as if Bethesda got everything they could off the drafting table into the game world, but didn't bother to actually testdrive it cross country, just little turns around the block to see that something would work, as opposed to seeing how WELL it worked in the entire context. Once they got everything into the game, then they needed to do a full shakedown on all 3 platforms, which it seems never really happened. Or if it did, it was too late in the development cycle to do any further fine-tuning. Looks to me like they just cut things out , and then implemented abbrievations accordingly.

There are a few things that never did work right. Physical manipulation of objects in this game is horribly clumsy when compared to what worked in Oblivion. And it got even worse by patch 1.7 when weight values were reversed 180 degrees. Pick up a bottle and try to set it down on its base and see what happens..... I'd have thought Bethesda had their best code writers doing the repair work, but seems to be that each patch created new issues, when trying to remedy older ones, which suggests they had entry level folks doing the clean up. The follower/companion Illia, the basemant bedroom in Proudspire manor, the unkillable commanders of the troop field camps, are all smaller examples of a lack of quality control that are more intrinsic in value, as compared to say nirnroot glow, or stuck quest items in the inventory. Subjective I suppose, but highly visible IMO.

Perhaps most frustrating with Skyrim is that the conceptual layout was all there to make a truly astounding game, but something happened during development that changed the recipe. Too many cooks, but not enough hands on direction by a single architect to pull it all together? Maybe the scale of the game was just too big for the time and money budgeted? Dunno.... T'was / is a good game, but noteably flawed none the less. Beautful game visually, but not enough beneath it....

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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:07 pm

Correct, but i hated their legs in skyrim. should've been thinner and more tall.

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Verity Hurding
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:33 am

Skyrim has a few things that it does better than prior games, but those things are(actually, WERE) done by mods already, extremely easily. For example, someone mentioned the +5 attribute modifiers thing...that was a pretty major problem with oblivion, that, when combined with the way leveling worked in that, game, could become completely gamebreaking.

Unless you installed a 400kb mod called +5 attribute modifiers. At which point the entire problem went away.

Skyrim doesn't have that problem, having had it replaced by the stamina/health/magicka system...but in doing that they completely neglected to realize that some stats would be vastly more useful than others. In an idea sitluation you should be constantly trying to find your ideal balance between the three, but most times when I played(or watching others play) they just put all their points into one skill. One friend of mine always put ALL his points into health, because if you survived you had plenty of time to regenerate stamina or magicka, and on insanity no-death that worked perfectly well for him. That's a symptom of a poorly balanced system.

The quests, I feel, were really hurt by the Radient AI system. In fact, I think the entire game was majorly hurt by that system...I get the feeling that they put a lot of effort into it and felt like they had to use it, evne when the game could have been much more enjoyable without it. Having the same quest each playthrough is still fun as long as the QUEST is good. With Radient AI, NO quest was fun, they were always the same boring thing, over and over, even in your very first playthrough.

The same thing applies to the dungeons. Someone mentioned that they didn't like hand-placed loot, because it means the same thing is there every time. But that's the thing; I already KNOW where everything is, without hand-placed loot. It's in the Loot Chest at the end of the dungeon. What on earth is the point of doing ANY dungeon when I could just sleep for a week and revisit the same easily accessible chest over and over until I get the item I want? Even worse, why even bother doing dungeons when I can just make all the items I need?

Smithing, I feel, was poorly implimented at best. Hit steel with a hammer for long enough and suddenly you're able to forge daedra souls into beaten ebony? How the heck does that work? You should have to do SOMETHING extra to learn how to work each type of metal, either finding a teacher, or melting down weapons and pieces of armor in the hopes of learning the secrets to its construction. Smithing ruined a lot of the mystery of the game for me.

Another thing that really bugged me were the boring equipment modifiers. I guess it was the same as in prior games, but higher level enchantments didn't really become any more useful to me, partially because they took more and more soul gems to keep charged anyway. That's a gripe with all the TES games, really.

Back to quest lines, without the quests that were replaced by the Radient AI, the rest of the guilds felt really bloody empty. Plus, you never had to GO anywhere! Remember back in Oblivion, where just to JOIN the mages guild had you going to every city in Tamriel? Sure, it was a big annoying hassle, but at the same time it gave you a sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT! And even more important, it made the guild feel big, important, a part of the world. In Skyrim you've got one companions hall(where, for the most part, they never seem to do anything) and the Mages College(where again, they never ever seem to do anything. The rest of the towns are empty of them. Which has the side effect of making those TOWNS feel really empty! When the towns in Oblivion had mages guild and fighters guild members walking about, going to taverns, etc, it really made the world feel more real! In skyrim the towns hardly even have temples, let alone guilds. Heck, most don't even have castles, making almost all the towns feel more like Weye did in Oblivion than they way they should be. Dead and Pointless.

The combat in Skyrim is better, but only by a slender margin. They've added dual wielding, slight reactions to being hit and...what else? Combat Cams? (Which are broken, by the way. They've gotten me killed MORE than once, not to mention ENEMY kil cams...)

The dungeons in Skyrim are somewhat better, but that's almost completely mitigated by the fact that they're ALL draugr dungeons. Or caves. But mostly Draugr. The biggest problem is that they all FEEL the same. Cramped, wet, rotting. Even the Dwemer dungeons, which really should have been better, felt little different. I'd say that they really weren't that much of an improvement over Oblivion's dungeons, with the rare exception of a custom-made room with a sunbeam coming in or something.

Another annoying thing is that all you ever run into in Skyrim is bandits. In the forests you get bears and trolls, everywhere else you get Bandits. That's it. No daedra, no spirits, no wraiths, no ghosts...just bandits. Over. And Over. And over. Occasionally wizards, but the thing is, even bandits have their own wizards!

Overall, I don't feel that skyrim improved over Oblivion in any meaningful way. Slight improvements to graphics and combat do not compensate for crappy dragon fights, bad quests and a badly designed everything else.

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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:27 pm

I really despise the grabbing system. It's the only thing about Skyrim that I don't like.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:00 am

Yeah they obviously put a lot of effort in radiant quests, that's why the game keeps setting quests in cleared dungeons that don't respawn and to find shouts you already have.

Give me a break.

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james kite
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:10 pm

Dear God, the grab system. I HATE that. Decorating in Oblivion was hard. Skyrim? Forget it...
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:30 pm

Why can't I cast an illusion spell, to fake to me and everyone else that I postioned that platter of sweetrolls on my dining table, or that candlestick on the mantlepiece?

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Donald Richards
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:29 pm

The factions felt more like quests waiting to be completed rather than an actual faction that exists in Skyrim.

The main quest wasn't half polished, it was just bad (simple truth)

Dragon riding shouldn't really have been included the way it was done.

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Toby Green
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:05 pm

It's a single player game, your the Nerevarine, your supposed to become an unstoppable badass.

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Tyler F
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:30 pm

Ah, so all of Morrowind's faults are actually brilliantly designed "features".

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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:13 pm

Are you really surprised that people who like a game will like the stuff in it?

What is next, shock and horror as vegetarians realise that people like the bacon in BLT sandwiches?

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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:51 am

Seeing how they refuse to get a new engine everything, but the graphics and even they arent that great in 2013.

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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:23 pm

Absolutely not. Sorry I misunder stood.

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Veronica Flores
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:54 pm

So you actually liked having every bandit run around in Glass/Daedric.

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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:49 pm

Love your sig by the way.

Ontopic: Better than bandits in fur and use iron, that get tougher not weaker.

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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:39 pm

Sorry I misunderstood. I had mental flipflop there. No I prefer thepresent level scaling. Modded it out of Oblivion asap and it actually helped thegame alot.


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jess hughes
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:53 pm

Ah. I definitely agree that modded Oblivion > modded Skyrim. But I think that that vanilla Skyrim > vanilla Oblivion.

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Heather M
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:07 am

Winterhold !!

That was the biggest cop out in the history of TES. For all the years to come I will look back on Skyrim as the game where they made the most important and largest city fall in the sea just so they didn't have to make it
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:42 pm

I've got to go a little off topic here, but I'd like to point something out to all of us on this thread...

There's a bit of to and fro here, and a few different ideas and attitudes, but it is all fairly benign...

I've been over in the FNV threads and disagreed with a couple of things, and seriously, it was like the rabid dogs had been let loose...I actually got told to come over to these threads to (quote) "...promote my bugstomping agenda.." as Skyrim "...really needed it..." (that was a masterfull piece of insight I sarcastically thought...bugs are aboaut the one thing that we all do agree about over here, lol).

On topic though...Skyrim has been a great game in what it has done - although it has been a culture shock for some, ultimately change is a good thing, so long as a balance can be achieved between 'new', 'old' and 'the future'...

I'm hoping that the half-polished things that do get carried over to the next release are dealt with, and tidied up. Loose ends are somewhat unprofessional in my view.

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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 4:41 pm

Factions and faction quests are so boring, the only good one i played was the thieves guild & Dark Brotherhood, though i still prefer the thieves guild. The companion questline was so rushed it could have been so much better, Winterhold started out interesting and then gradually got less so. Don't get me started on Civil war, it was absolutely awful. The game itself feels so unfinished after the Civil war, no crowning of new high king/queen, no resolved thalmor problem, that was just a few of the biggest disappointments for me.

I also wish they paid more attention to the little things, like children, how hard is it to re-color a model just so it looks somewhat like a redguard child, make a green kid thats bald with small tusks in orc camps, so what if the face looks like every other child...at least you tried to put some variety. The biggest disappointment though, is that no one cares about your character, no one notices if you're arch mage, dragonborn or Harbinger, besides a few minor comments from guards and fellow guildmates i felt like a nobody.

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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:45 pm

The main story

The civil war

The factions

The linear quests structures

The Jarls who all sit the same

The inane dialogue NPCs like to spout like its everyones business

The lack of dialogue options

The ability to be everything in one play through

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