My list includes: Checkered Shirt and Slacks, Harness, Synth Clothes, and Brotherhood Fatigues
My list includes: Checkered Shirt and Slacks, Harness, Synth Clothes, and Brotherhood Fatigues
Honestly, I like the look of the Minutemen General's outfit myself. BoS uniform just looks weird to me.
The courser uniform is nice. Reminds me of the Syndicate wars old game.
How come, most armour isn't upgradable, or stackable with armour bits? Grrrrrr. Not that cool.
Hancock's outfit is awesome - I traded him my Minutemen General's Outfit for it on my pirate queen, helps that it gets Ballistic Weave. The Minutemen General's Outfit also looks pretty good with the Lieutenant's Hat you get from the USS Constitution.
My unsung heroes, though, are the Longshoreman's Outfit and the Hazmat Suit. Man, I wish the Hazmat Suit could be modded - would make all of my spaceman dreams come true.
I like Maxson's Battlecoat, but I usually just put it on Danse.
Grognak, remind me of princess Leia.
Silver Shroud It's like a Green Hornet superhero.