Gabe at least has the guts to admit FO3 was a good game overall and(like us) still sees a room for an improvement. :wink_smile:
Oh, yeah, Fallout 4 will definitely not be what my expectations are but hell, as long as Bethesda has got some better writers or forced their current writers to take a couple of classes then FO4 can only be an improvement, mechanics wise, gameworld wise, and if their writers are better; writing wise.
Only thing I'm sketchy about is balance and lore, but Bethesda should have had enough time to learn the Fallout lore by now and heard our complaints about FO3's lore problems.
And the balance... I'll just have to get a computer and mod it I guess.
And I actually miss roaming FO3's wasteland just brutishly killing everything in sight.
It's not what I want from a Fallout game but FO3 was fun in it's own cheesy cliché way.
But 800+ hours was far too much, I can't even stand to take 3 steps in FO3's gameworld before being disgusted with how much I already know about it.
I know every locations and what loot and enemies are there, no more surprises, only more repetition.
So I kinda miss FO3's zen-murdermurdermurderexploreexploreexplore but cannot play it due to having overplayed it severely.
Anyway, so when I "bash" on FO3 it's about the 'Fallout' mechanics, lore, writing, canon, balance.
It's not about bashing on the entire game, but for me FO3 was the most horrible Fallout game I've ever played. (Haven't played the Burned Game.)
Don't mistake that as "the most horrible game I've ever played", it's just a horrible Fallout title for me.
But as I said, Bethesda can't possibly do worse with FO4 as they've had a lot of additional years to think about the Fallout design and also got Obsidian to show what "they" would do with a Fallout game.
So my prediction?
Fallout 4 will have some influence of Skyrim but will also be far more of a Fallout game than FO3 was.
:facepalm: It's pathetic.
Guess I'll stay pathetic then. :rolleyes:
Gabe thinks alpha protocol is an awesome game! which just about sums up his taste in games.
Oh thank you, I knew my taste in games was awesome.

My game library is only filled with the best of the best games