So what are the fallout forums like now?

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:01 pm

All i have ever seen is people calling Fallout 3s story [censored] and the game too reliant on explosions and dungeon crawling, and i can symathize, i try not to do this because i kinda like exlosions and dungeon crawling , just not in my fallout :fallout:

It is the response that gets things going, instead of counteraction, it leads to a big argument over who's opinion is better, and sales figures, because sales figures, sales figures never change.

Look at gabs posts on page 2 then.One was lets stop comparing fo3 v true fallout.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:11 am

All i have ever seen is people calling Fallout 3s story [censored] and the game too reliant on explosions and dungeon crawling, and i can symathize, i try not to do this because i kinda like exlosions and dungeon crawling , just not in my fallout :fallout:

It is the response that gets things going, instead of counteraction, it leads to a big argument over who's opinion is better, and sales figures, because sales figures, sales figures never change.

I dont rightly agree with this hostile wording, because it causes arguments.

LOL I was going to counter argue but your last part of the poast made me laugh! No but reviews do actually matter and of course sales matter but only to the game developer.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:08 am

Look at gabs posts on page 2 then.One was lets stop comparing fo3 v true fallout.

And? Sounded like his original intention was to counter your points - exactly what the OP has asked us not to do. He then seems to have decided to not actually counter them - what the OP wants us to do.

I don't see anything there at all that suggests you're... What you said we treat you as.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:36 am

Look at gabs posts on page 2 then.One was lets stop comparing fo3 v true fallout.

I think they meant that out of how the two sides go at it in a generalized stereotype, sorta like narration, you know, i don't think they really meant that insomuch as that is what the argument APPEARS to be propped up as.

And I am sick and damn near tired of seeing people put up Fallout 3s awards as an excuse for the shortcomings of the game. I like the game, i really do, it is one of my favorites, but just because it is a good game that won a lot of awards, doesn't mean it is free from criticism from an old and established fanbase whom have two stoic games for comparison, and i am not surprised that Fallout 3 appears to come up short story-wise compared to the classic Fallouts, even though its story is a lot better than most modern games, it still isnt as good as the older Fallout games.

I think that is what it comes down to, the Dinosaurs compare Fallout 3, as a Fallout game, to Fallout and Fallout 2, to which it pales; while the "Eggs" compare it, as a modern game, to other modern games, to which it blows out of the water.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:57 am

Yip your right just don't treat all fo3 fans like [censored]i*g chronic cod playing adhd cu*ts for it then ok?

Its all the same to me but im of the mindset that everything is being dumbed down these days, which makes me sound much older then i am but its true lol, in the 70s you had intellectual humor and TV shows like all in the family, and good times, now you got snooki, where you once had bill hicks and george carlin you now have larry the cable guy, star wars original vs star wars prequels... And yes fallout 1 and 2 vs fallout 3 and NV, and what i dug about the originals is they did not hold your hand you talked to a person you would need to listen and actually go and explore you didnt have a little marker telling you where to go.... fo 3 and fo NV are fantastic games in this era, personally i just prefer things that challenge me on an intellectual level rather then mindless killing not to say thats all fallout 3 is... and to the OP you cant really invalidate the mindset of a group of people if you want an intelligent conversation or discussion fine but you seem to be saying those of us who dislike fo3 our opinions do not matter, which im sure to bethesda its probably true, but this is a FORUM a forum is a place for expressing ideas and having discussions.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:56 pm

I think they meant that out of how the two sides go at it in a generalized stereotype, sorta like narration, you know, i don't think they really meant that insomuch as that is what the argument APPEARS to be propped up as.

And I am sick and damn near tired of seeing people put up Fallout 3s awards as an excuse for the shortcomings of the game. I like the game, i really do, it is one of my favorites, but just because it is a good game that won a lot of awards, doesn't mean it is free from criticism from an old and established fanbase whom have two stoic games for comparison, and i am not surprised that Fallout 3 appears to come up short story-wise compared to the classic Fallouts, even though its story is a lot better than most modern games, it still isnt as good as the older Fallout games.

I think that is what it comes down to, the Dinosaurs compare Fallout 3 to Fallout and Fallout 2, to which it pales; while the "Eggs" compare it to other modern games, to which it blows out of the water.

Very flamebaitey imo.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:37 am

I think they meant that out of how the two sides go at it in a generalized stereotype, sorta like narration, you know, i don't think they really meant that insomuch as that is what the argument APPEARS to be propped up as.

And I am sick and damn near tired of seeing people put up Fallout 3s awards as an excuse for the shortcomings of the game. I like the game, i really do, it is one of my favorites, but just because it is a good game that won a lot of awards, doesn't mean it is free from criticism from an old and established fanbase whom have two stoic games for comparison, and i am not surprised that Fallout 3 appears to come up short story-wise compared to the classic Fallouts, even though its story is a lot better than most modern games, it still isnt as good as the older Fallout games.

I think that is what it comes down to, the Dinosaurs compare Fallout 3 to Fallout and Fallout 2, to which it pales; while the "Eggs" compare it to other modern games, to which it blows out of the water.

You see the way you're talking is actually fine! You're not insulting anyone's intelligence. Nor are you putting down people who play fallout 3. Dinosaurs take this post as a great example!
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:43 am

I think that is what it comes down to, the Dinosaurs compare Fallout 3, as a Fallout game, to Fallout and Fallout 2, to which it pales; while the "Eggs" compare it, as a modern game, to other modern games, to which it blows out of the water.


Brilliant. I think that sums it up nicely.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:17 am

You see the way you're talking is actually fine! You're not insulting anyone's intelligence. Nor are you putting down people who play fallout 3. Dinosaurs take this post as a great example!

I am a Dinosaur, actually, but, i like to look at things from different perspectives and, kinda, try to look at other peoples opinions subjectively. I am still completely biased towards the originals, and will leap to defend them, but i am not so hard-faced as to ignore the shortcomings of NV or the good aspects of Fallout 3. I love Fallout 3 as a modern gamer, it blows other modern games out of the water, it is a great mainstream rpg when compared to other games, but, it had a really big standing to meet, a very high expectation to reach, from the older fans, the originals are a hard act to follow, and i can recognize that, and i can give credit where it is do.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:45 am


Brilliant. I think that sums it up nicely.

Yes you notice how his posts are nothing like your posts?
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:09 am

Yes you notice how his posts are nothing like your posts?

And the same could be said for yours. You've amongst other things accused me of insulting your inteligence when I did no such thing.
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James Hate
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:33 am

I am a Dinosaur, actually, but, i like to look at things from different perspectives and, kinda, try to look at other peoples opinions subjectively. I am still completely biased towards the originals, and will leap to defend them, but i am not so hard-faced as to ignore the shortcomings of NV or the good aspects of Fallout 3.

I know you're one. There is nothing wrong with you LOVING fallout 1,2. What I am trying to get across is it's wrong to attack somebody just because they like a game an you feel because it's not as good as the originals then they have no right to like it and must be dim wits for enjoying such a poorly written game. Can you see what I am getting at,
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:41 pm

I can see your point, but trust me, there are plenty of people who bash NV and the originals, maybe not as much, but enough to prompt militancy.
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:17 pm

You see the way you're talking is actually fine! You're not insulting anyone's intelligence. Nor are you putting down people who play fallout 3. Dinosaurs take this post as a great example!

Yeah i would agree but thats one dinosaur.
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:05 am

*Sigh* I do not see all of this "Fallout 3 hate" so much as people, such as the OP, saying that the original fans need to go away and be forgotten because we like the games that started the series.

Pretty much this.

I dont hate FO3 its a good FPS with some RPG elements (just like Oblivion on which it was based). I dislike How they didnt make a Real Fallout 3. they Built an amazing world space. very detailed. then had an Aaneurysm when it came to the 3 big groups in the wastes. as I've stated in the past the Enclave I will accept. DC is the seat of old world power, so them being in game is fine. (one last hurrah so to speak). But then theres the BoS (I actually dont mind the BOS being there either, it fits with the BOS moving east in tactics, its How you are forced to work with them is my issue). AND Super Mutants (and Not just Radiation induced Mutations or members of the MLA come east, but a Whole NEW strain of FEV super mutants (out of a Vault no less).

here is the definition of RPG
A role-playing game (RPG) is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making or character development.[1] Actions taken within the game succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines

the reason I say the game is not an true RPG is because (aside from speech checks) you can bypass the Character Skill checks with player fps skills and mini-games. in a real RPG (take Fallout 1 or Baldur's gate) when you go to pick a lock you have a chance to succeed based on your characters skill + stat modifiers vs Lock difficulty In this system you can attempt ANY lock in the game at any time with a chance to open the lock (although that chance may be infinitesimal). in Fallout 3 and NV there is an Element of RPG there that keeps you from attempting to pick a lock above a particular level. unfortunately this is just a gating system. there is no real skill check involved in Lockpicking in FO3 or NV. its bypassed by a Mini-game in which player skill usurps character skill. same can be said for all other skills

I can player.modav all my combat skills to 0 and still win any fight in the game. it will just take more ammo, which isnt an issue in FO3 or Non-hardcoe NV due to the fact ammo weighs nothing so I can carry an entire ammo truck in my pocket. in FO1 or say Twilight 2000 (a pen and Paper RPG) or Morrowind even you'd Never Hit your target.

and Yes this is directed to NV as well

but for the TL;DR crowd
1) I liked FO3, but it has some points that are bad
2) Fallout is NOT an RPG. its an FPS with small RPG elements (if you want real reasons read the full post)

But I have to go pick up food for the family so I'll be back with more if you wish

never do I attack anyone for liking FO3 or Any game. I may attack the game and what i think are the weak points. I may be short with someone but its never meant as an attack.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:27 am

I know you're one. There is nothing wrong with you LOVING fallout 1,2. What I am trying to get across is it's wrong to attack somebody just because they like a game an you feel because it's not as good as the originals then they have no right to like it and must be dim wits for enjoying such a poorly written game. Can you see what I am getting at,

No, because I don't recall any recent posts to that effect in this board.

Personal attacks are very rare here - because of the strong moderation from the mod team.
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:49 am

Pretty much this.

I dont hate FO3 its a good FPS with some RPG elements (just like Oblivion on which it was based). I dislike How they didnt make a Real Fallout 3. they Built an amazing world space. very detailed. then had an Aaneurysm when it came to the 3 big groups in the wastes. as I've stated in the past the Enclave I will accept. DC is the seat of old world power, so them being in game is fine. (one last hurrah so to speak). But then theres the BoS (I actually dont mind the BOS being there either, it fits with the BOS moving east in tactics, its How you are forced to work with them is my issue). AND Super Mutants (and Not just Radiation induced Mutations or members of the MLA come east, but a Whole NEW strain of FEV super mutants (out of a Vault no less).

here is the definition of RPG

the reason I say the game is not an true RPG is because (aside from speech checks) you can bypass the Character Skill checks with player fps skills and mini-games. in a real RPG (take Fallout 1 or Baldur's gate) when you go to pick a lock you have a chance to succeed based on your characters skill + stat modifiers vs Lock difficulty In this system you can attempt ANY lock in the game at any time with a chance to open the lock (although that chance may be infinitesimal). in Fallout 3 and NV there is an Element of RPG there that keeps you from attempting to pick a lock above a particular level. unfortunately this is just a gating system. there is no real skill check involved in Lockpicking in FO3 or NV. its bypassed by a Mini-game in which player skill usurps character skill. same can be said for all other skills

I can player.modav all my combat skills to 0 and still win any fight in the game. it will just take more ammo, which isnt an issue in FO3 or Non-hardcoe NV due to the fact ammo weighs nothing so I can carry an entire ammo truck in my pocket. in FO1 or say Twilight 2000 (a pen and Paper RPG) or Morrowind even you'd Never Hit your target.

and Yes this is directed to NV as well

but for the TL;DR crowd
1) I liked FO3, but it has some points that are bad
2) Fallout is NOT an RPG. its an FPS with small RPG elements (if you want real reasons read the full post)

But I have to go pick up food for the family so I'll be back with more if you wish

Fo3 is an rpg with fps aspects not the other way around and this is fact so plz don't say that :(.Speech is completely defined by the character and hacking if you have really high science it takes away more duds than usual and there is obviously more like the repair skill and how effective you are with the actual guns.
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:53 am

Yeah i would agree but thats one dinosaur.

Does being a Dinosaur make my opinion worth less, or my logic more-so dispensable?

@Liberty Prime I do not know the proper units of measurements to equate the amount of FPS or RPG in a game, but i can estimate that, in my experience, Fallout 3 relied more on FPS-type gameplay than relying on the RPG mechanics, not to say that it is a bad thing, but this is foremost an RPG series, and this kind of occurrence is somewhat... disheartening.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:24 pm

I can see your point, but trust me, there are plenty of people who bash NV and the originals, maybe not as much, but enough to prompt militancy.

Fan boys, Fan boys never change. ;)

The same can be said for me and metal gear. I hate it when people bash it and I will defend it with my own opinions but I will never get personal and bash other people,

Yeah i would agree but thats one dinosaur.

Yea that's Why I told others to heed him as an example.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:05 am

Sorry but I'm not a walkover, if someone is going to insult me then I am going to give it back. Do you truly think I would say that without being baited?

How bout you just browse through some of the current threads and tell me I am wrong?

Plus everything you quoted me saying is damn well true!

And you have just nit picked at everything I have said and spin it to make me look bad,

I'm not trying to attack you, "nitpick" you, or "spin" anything. I'm attempting to show that you are the same as the people you're criticizing.

You believe you are justified because you are acting in retaliation. The FO1/2 fans believe they are justified because they are acting in retaliation.

Although I haven't been here long enough to know "who started it", I do know that threads such as these, as well as the ones you have mentioned, arise out of retaliation to a perceived injustice or attack against them.
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:00 am

Fo3 is an rpg with fps aspects not the other way around and this is fact so plz don't say that :(.

I Disagree

A [C]RPG uses PnP RPG style mechanics. Fallout 3 does not.

It is if anything, closer to being an adventure game with FPS elements rather than a RPG.

After all, Heroes' Quest/Quest For Glory was not considered a RPG despite its RPG elements; its an adventure game first and foremost - Fallout 3 definately has no more and arguably less RPG elements than QFG.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:13 am

Fan boys, Fan boys never change. ;)

By the way, that word you are using is a banned word, and putting a space in-between is, technically, avoiding the autocensor.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:08 am

Does being a Dinosaur make my opinion worth less, or my logic more-so dispensable?

@Liberty Prime I do not know the proper units of measurements to equate the amount of FPS or RPG in a game, but i can estimate that, in my experience, Fallout 3 relied more on FPS-type gameplay than relying on the RPG mechanics, not to say that it is a bad thing, but this is foremost an RPG series, and this kind of occurrence is somewhat... disheartening.

See how you said about fo1 n fo2"high standards " well they have to give it a different combat style for the originals as the old style isn't as popular and all the dialog trees for example you rarely see in any genre except rpgs .
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:27 am

Pretty much this.

I dont hate FO3 its a good FPS with some RPG elements (just like Oblivion on which it was based). I dislike How they didnt make a Real Fallout 3. they Built an amazing world space. very detailed. then had an Aaneurysm when it came to the 3 big groups in the wastes. as I've stated in the past the Enclave I will accept. DC is the seat of old world power, so them being in game is fine. (one last hurrah so to speak). But then theres the BoS (I actually dont mind the BOS being there either, it fits with the BOS moving east in tactics, its How you are forced to work with them is my issue). AND Super Mutants (and Not just Radiation induced Mutations or members of the MLA come east, but a Whole NEW strain of FEV super mutants (out of a Vault no less).

here is the definition of RPG

the reason I say the game is not an true RPG is because (aside from speech checks) you can bypass the Character Skill checks with player fps skills and mini-games. in a real RPG (take Fallout 1 or Baldur's gate) when you go to pick a lock you have a chance to succeed based on your characters skill + stat modifiers vs Lock difficulty In this system you can attempt ANY lock in the game at any time with a chance to open the lock (although that chance may be infinitesimal). in Fallout 3 and NV there is an Element of RPG there that keeps you from attempting to pick a lock above a particular level. unfortunately this is just a gating system. there is no real skill check involved in Lockpicking in FO3 or NV. its bypassed by a Mini-game in which player skill usurps character skill. same can be said for all other skills

I can player.modav all my combat skills to 0 and still win any fight in the game. it will just take more ammo, which isnt an issue in FO3 or Non-hardcoe NV due to the fact ammo weighs nothing so I can carry an entire ammo truck in my pocket. in FO1 or say Twilight 2000 (a pen and Paper RPG) or Morrowind even you'd Never Hit your target.

and Yes this is directed to NV as well

but for the TL;DR crowd
1) I liked FO3, but it has some points that are bad
2) Fallout is NOT an RPG. its an FPS with small RPG elements (if you want real reasons read the full post)

But I have to go pick up food for the family so I'll be back with more if you wish

never do I attack anyone for liking FO3 or Any game. I may attack the game and what i think are the weak points. I may be short with someone but its never meant as an attack.

Remember it was their firs attempt at this game, I have no doubt that FO4 will be better. Now they have obsidian on board they also have a huge advantage of getting a more detailed story. You see for me it was not just about the story in fallout 3, It was so much more. The wasteland, the settlements, the gear the whole apocalyptic feel to the game. They got the atmosphere spot on IMO. I did actually enjoy all the stories.

To me I just felt like FO:NV was the same game with a few upgrades. Not some new ground breaking game with a ground breaking story. Still a great game though!! Up there in my top 10 that's for sure!
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:36 am

Fallout 3 is a rpg and if fo3 isn't then neither is fonv (ohh strength requirements ).But there both RPG'S
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