"Chasing Ghosts" however, is not exactly the same expression as "wild goose chase." From what I understand, "chasing ghosts" is sometimes used as an expression in technical fields, as in looking for something that keeps popping up and then disappears again at random. Like a strange glitch or bug in a software system for instance. One which you can't pin down and doesn't have a definite source that you can just fix and get done.
Not necessarily something like a "snipe hunt" or "goose chase." Now very well that could be all Hanlon is referring to, but certainly not definitely. It seems to me its just if not more likely its actually referring to the NCR hunting something in Baja with its Ranger forces. You know, the troops which are essentially the NCR special operations core and would be most suitable for a mission of that type (hunting a group or organization which is very hard to find.)
Regardless, Hanlon might not think they are there, but his factual appraisal might not exactly be the most relevant. After all, he thinks the entire NCR operation against the Legion is just a waste of lives, and despite this the Legion is a very real threat to the NCR.
There's little doubt in my mind that Kimball has the Rangers tied up in Baja fighting something and not just wasting their time away sitting on their butts or looking for something which actually doesn't exist. Is it possible? Yeah, but personally I think its more likely that they are actually fighting something down there and the most likely candidate would be the Circle of Steel: wearing stealth boys and acting as the Brotherhood guerrilla fighters and special operations forces after BOS- NCR war went south for the Brotherhood.
Well I've never heard of the expression a "snipe-hunt" (and those doesn't even sound like a snide-expression eiher) either so I'm not willing to settle on one definative answer for the phrase "chasing ghosts"; I think people are interpretating it
far too literally though. Hanlon also says that NCR Power Armoured infantry are put on guard details for Brahmin Barons so I don't think that the NCR always uses it's elite or special forces in necessarily the most pragmatic methods.
Again, have these Rangers chasing these "ghosts" not had any results? Surely capturing or killing a single member of the Brotherhood down there with a stealth-boy on his arm would be instant proof of what's going on. In regards to the Legion, I don't think it's that Hanlon doesn't see the Legion as a threat but more the NCR's presence in Nevada as a waste-of-lives for the imperial ambitions of those in Shady Sands; of course the Legion are a threat, it was he who asked Kimball for
Unitl I get more than
half of a snarky sentence I'm not going to say that the NCR's fighting some secret Brotherhood of Steel organisation. Does that not seem like something of an extrapolation? It's a phrase that means something isn't there and if they are indeed
looking for something then they must be doing a terrible job (unbecoming of past victories against the Brotherhood) because they haven't found a single bit of proof?
Frankly I always thought it was because Oliver nobbled Kimball to send them there so that the NCR Army can get the glory for beating the Legion, you know the same reason that Hanlon himself is in-charge of an out-of-the-way base despite his tactical expertise? That's what's clearly going on to me and has far more precedence. Chasing ghosts is an expression about chasing something that isn't there and fits the context of the sentence complaining about the NCR, it doesn't mean anything about stealth-boys; what if there were super-mutants down there would he have said:
"NCR's senate has got funds tied up at the Boneyard and President Kimball ordered our most experienced rangers to chase mutants down in Baja."EDIT: Have you heard his story about Baja if you speech him. Years ago him and some Ranger elite got sent to protect an NCR settlement down in Baja; after quite a trek they got there to find it was just six shacks and abandonned well some NCR people had hung a flag over. There's resource management for you.
Your probably going to say "well that's why he's so dismissive", except that he's in-charge of the Rangers and word get's back to him; it's a clear example of NCR folly
in Baja. This is probably what he's got the Rangers doing, securing easy territorial conquest as the elections are coming up.