What are the original Vanilla files for Morrowind if you uni

Post » Tue May 08, 2012 2:47 am

I am looking to reinstall morrowind after I have cleaned every mod out of my game. I had no idea what I was doing when I first started modding Morrowind. Now after having modded Oblivion and Skyrim for several months I am looking to start clean with Morrowind GOTY edition for steam with more knowledge on the matter.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\morrowind is the folder in question. It is the GOTY edition.

Win7 64 Bit
Intel i7CPU Q720 @1.60GHz (8CPUs)
8129 MB RAM or 8GB of RAM
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5730

There are obviously left over files when you uninstall it so I just want to make sure I do not delete them. I did that once and now I have a window pop up every time I launch Morrowind that asks for permission for a program to alter windows. Yes I was a damned idiot when I first started modding. The Program is the launcher but idk how to fix that. Every time I launch Morrowind it does this. I have not played more than 60 minutes of the PC version of Morrowind because of this. Reinstalling does nothing. If someone could resolve that I would be happy. Mostly I just want to remove all the clutter my ignorant modding created in Morrowinds folder though.

So list of file names or a picture or link to the information would be great. Thanks

Important information for when I begin modding this game would be useful as well. Like mod managers(I know how to do manual installs as well) recommended script extenders and some mods that improve the game while not changing the lore too much. Would the Morrowind Overhaul work well with my system?
-gameplay changers(I am fine with what is there even though it is outdated but if there are things that make it less...boring I would appreciate them)
-graphic improvements(not that big of a deal but they definitely should not drastically change the Vanilla textures aesthetic)
-overhauls(lore friendly!!)
-additional Lore friendly creatures(Daedra and creatures from the Lore that make sense to be there)
-weapons and armor that fit the game worlds aesthetic
-character customization

I think that is it. I know that is a big bill to ask someone to fill so I will truly appreciate it if you could do this for me. If not for me then for a Major Dunmer fan? :angel: Thanks in advanced!!!
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 9:06 am

I do not believe that the permission prompt has anything to do with your Morrowind files. My laptop frequently gives me pop-ups asking me if I want to allow this or that. I would recommend getting more acquainted with your Windows settings, that's probably the source of the problem.

Morrowind 2011 is actually a banned topic here, basically because the person who put it together stole from a number of modders.

Most people recommend Morrowind Overhaul: Sound and Graphics, and I do believe it leaves the overall aesthetic fairly intact, so that's probably a good place to start. There's also a lot of smaller graphics mods, such as Better Bodies/Heads. There's a good number of combat overhaul mods, but I personally have no real experience with them.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 12:07 pm

I do not believe that the permission prompt has anything to do with your Morrowind files. My laptop frequently gives me pop-ups asking me if I want to allow this or that. I would recommend getting more acquainted with your Windows settings, that's probably the source of the problem.

Morrowind 2011 is actually a banned topic here, basically because the person who put it together stole from a number of modders.

Most people recommend Morrowind Overhaul: Sound and Graphics, and I do believe it leaves the overall aesthetic fairly intact, so that's probably a good place to start. There's also a lot of smaller graphics mods, such as Better Bodies/Heads. There's a good number of combat overhaul mods, but I personally have no real experience with them.
Fix'ed my first post so it does not possibly get banned lol. Morrowind Overhaul is actually what I was thinking of I think. The other mod that shall not be named was just what was stuck in my head.

First though I need to clean up my files. Any idea where I can see the original folder structure for Morrowind GOTY edition on steam? I don't want to delete anything I might need...
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 5:20 pm

Well, when you don't have any mods installed, I do believe the only folders that should have anything in them are the Fonts, Music, Sound, Splash, and Video folders. Because you have to have fonts, music, sound FX, splash screens, and some videos in your Data Files order for the game to function properly. Everything else you add to your Data Files is extra, near as I can tell. When looking through my Book Art, Icons, Meshes, and Textures folders, I don't see anything vanilla. All I see is files placed there by me, files that are generally the creation of either myself or another modder. The game apparently doesn't draw upon those folders unless it's triggered to by either a plug-in, or the fact that certain files override those found on the disk, that the game uses.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:45 am

Original files:
the folder 'Fonts'
in the folder 'Music', the folders 'Battle', 'Explore' and 'Special'
in the folder 'Sound', the folders 'Cr', 'Fx' and 'Vo'
the folder 'Splash'
the folder 'Video'
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 7:20 am

Well, when you don't have any mods installed, I do believe the only folders that should have anything in them are the Fonts, Music, Sound, Splash, and Video folders. Because you have to have fonts, music, sound FX, splash screens, and some videos in your Data Files order for the game to function properly. Everything else you add to your Data Files is extra, near as I can tell. When looking through my Book Art, Icons, Meshes, and Textures folders, I don't see anything vanilla. All I see is files placed there by me, files that are generally the creation of either myself or another modder. The game apparently doesn't draw upon those folders unless it's triggered to by either a plug-in, or the fact that certain files override those found on the disk, that the game uses.
Alright thanks! I am just going to slowly file by file type out some of the things I am not sure about. My Fonts, Music, Sound, Splash, and Video folders have other things in them as well so idk what is in there that may or may not be important. But I really do not want to type all those out lol.
Morrowind folder
-Data Files-will get that later
-4 GB PATCH (x64)
-4 GB PATCH (x64).exe.Backup
-d3d8.dll(script dragon?)
-dinput8.dll(script dragon?)
-Morrowind Code Patch
-Morrowind FPS Optimizer
-mwse-mge log(pretty sure I can delete this safely)
Data Files
-Animation-Dirnae_anims is all I have in it, I assume I can toss this?
-BookArt-contains one file named abot with several dds files like beach.dds crab.dds safe to toss?
-distantland-not sure
-Extras-a bunch of light COM files
-Fonts-think it is fine
-Icons-bunch of crap. vvvvv
-Meshes-bunch of crap. No idea of importance. I am thinking no?
-Music- an AM file with two AM music files and something called dreamvo_s
-shaders-I think I can delete this safely. Has default, distantland and water folders. Seems like a mod.
-Sound-bunch of crap. No idea of importance.
-Splash-a folder with vanilla splashes and just several randomsplash effects, that have this structure to the Splash_(some type of critter)
-Textures-as expected. Lots of crap.
Morrowind Patch 1.65 Beta (BTB Edit).esm
Morrowind Patch v1.65 BETA.esm

Am I missing anything that should be there. Keep in mind the game is uninstalled atm via steam.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 6:44 am

Original files: the folder 'Fonts' in the folder 'Music', the folders 'Battle', 'Explore' and 'Special' in the folder 'Sound', the folders 'Cr', 'Fx' and 'Vo' the folder 'Splash' Textures\_land_default.tga the folder 'Video'
Thanks! What about main folder? Keep in mind the game is uninstalled right now.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 3:10 am

In the main folder:
Morrowind Launcher.exe
TES Construction Set.cnt
TES Construction Set.exe
TES Construction Set.hlp

folders 'CSUninstall' and 'MWUninstall'
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:56 pm

In the main folder:
Morrowind Launcher.exe
TES Construction Set.cnt
TES Construction Set.exe
TES Construction Set.hlp

folders 'CSUninstall' and 'MWUninstall'
Am I missing files? I put up my entire morrowind folder. Are those files installed or uninstalled?

Here it is again.

Morrowind folder

-Data Files-will get that later
-4 GB PATCH (x64)
-4 GB PATCH (x64).exe.Backup
-d3d8.dll(script dragon?)
-dinput8.dll(script dragon?)
-Morrowind Code Patch
-Morrowind FPS Optimizer
-mwse-mge log(pretty sure I can delete this safely)
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 10:08 am

Well everything seems to be working well. Got the Morrowind Overhaul working too I think. Very convenient with the autoupdater.
  • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19510 ( http://www.fliggerty.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=1008 )
  • http://btb2.free.fr/morrowind.html <-- BTB's edited version currently seems to be the most stable ( http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes3Mod:UMP )
  • http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=213
Two of these seem to be in the overhaul. Are they needed then? The MW Code Patch and Better bodies. Should I bother with the MW patch project?

Well it seems something is wrong, again. I must have deleted an important file somewhere a few months back or something. I followed the instructions to the tee and as soon as I click new game instant CTD, with a 'Morrowind has stopped working windows is searching for a solution window' popping up. Loads do not work either (sigh) nm Morrowind guess it was not meant to be.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 1:36 pm

The "Morrowind has stopped working" thing isn't technically a crash. It happens to me on a regular basis, and is pretty random, and can be caused by any number of things, or even absolutely nothing.

I have a strong feeling that the fact that you're using the steam version is causing the problem. I'd recommend uninstalling, deleting absolutely everything associated with Morrowind, and grabbing a hard copy of GOTY for $20. That, or just uninstall and delete everything associated with Morrowind. You really can't delete too much stuff if the game's not on your computer, because when you install it, it can't work very well if that installation doesn't provide you with everything you need in order to run the game now does it?

Obviously, this means you'll have to re-acquire your mods, but you're not going to be using too many of them anyway, at least not in the beginning.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 10:56 am

Well everything seems to be working well. Got the Morrowind Overhaul working too I think. Very convenient with the autoupdater.
  • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19510 ( http://www.fliggerty.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=1008 )
  • http://btb2.free.fr/morrowind.html <-- BTB's edited version currently seems to be the most stable ( http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes3Mod:UMP )
  • http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=213
Two of these seem to be in the overhaul. Are they needed then? The MW Code Patch and Better bodies. Should I bother with the MW patch project?

Well it seems something is wrong, again. I must have deleted an important file somewhere a few months back or something. I followed the instructions to the tee and as soon as I click new game instant CTD, with a 'Morrowind has stopped working windows is searching for a solution window' popping up. Loads do not work either (sigh) nm Morrowind guess it was not meant to be.
I believe that all three mods you listed are included in MGSO.

I recently re-installed Morrowind using the MGSO as a base. It really does improve the looks of the game. I've just finished adding game play mods such as ExpandedBirthsigns4Purists, Galsiahs Character Development and Service Requirements (BTB Edit).

Don't give up on installing Morrowind and don't be afraid to rip it all out and start over, I did several times. Personally I don't use Steam and I know there are special considerations for Steam but as for as your CTD issues go I would offer some suggestions to try.

1. MGSO needs a clean install to work at its best. So, uninstall and delete the entire Morrowind folder.
2. Do not install to the folder C:\Program Files (x86) Use something like C:\games or better yet a different partition or HD drive. E:\games
3. disable Windows Administrator Rights Control
4. Most importantly if you haven't already take sometime to read up on how to use and tweak the supplied utilities, Mlox and MGE XE.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 5:01 pm

There's some info about Steam version here http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1353978-need-help-with-steam-version/

But best thing is to avoid Steam like the plague (I'm an anti-steamist :P) and get the game the good old fashioned way, on CD.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 7:18 am

For future reference (I think this is what you were after): Yacoby's http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Utilities.Detail&id=54 will return your install to a blank slate.

Well it seems something is wrong, again. I must have deleted an important file somewhere a few months back or something. I followed the instructions to the tee and as soon as I click new game instant CTD, with a 'Morrowind has stopped working windows is searching for a solution window' popping up. Loads do not work either (sigh) nm Morrowind guess it was not meant to be.
So this is starting a new, modded game?

What about a non-modded one? Open the Morrowind Launcher, choose Data Files and unselect all mods (bar Morrowind.esm, Bloodmoon.exm and Tribunal.esm)

If you have Morrowind Graphics Extender installed temporarily rename d3d8.dll to d3d8.BACKUP

Then try and start a new game. That will test if there's anything wrong with your basic vanilla game install.

Next would be to test MGE, rename d3d8.BACKUP back to d3d8.dll and try and start a new game. That will test your MGE set-up

If that works enable all your mods again through the launcher and try and start a new game.

If you fail at the vanilla game install then read the Steam information above and try and re-install using Steam

If you fail at MGE then read the MGE or MGE XE (whichever is relevant) threads' first posts for FAQ and/or error reporting instructions. Best to report in those threads.

If you fail at the modded game stage then please post here your modlist and the contents of your warnings.txt http://www.mwmythicmods.com/starting.htm#gamefiles

Finally, Pluto's http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1305729-mod-recommendations-for-new-players/ has some valuable information within.

More finally, the MGSO http://morrowindoverhaul.rpgitalia.net/faqs.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:19 am

This is a new Morrowind game with zero mods outside of MGSO. It was installed cleanly. Prior to the install the vanilla game worked fine though.

When I turn off all the mods in the data files and rename the d3d8.dll file to d3d8.BACKUP I cannot even play the game. Right from the launcher it says morrowind has stopped working. I don't even get to the start menu of the game to try to start a new game.

With all mods off and the d3d8.dll file back to normal the game launches but when I try to start a new game it crashes again.

With all mods and the d3d8.dll file working I crash at a new game. Seems like it is MGE maybe? But the game itself will not even work without it now.

Should I use that Mod File Remover and just start again after reinstalling it? Does it matter where I install the game to?

Like C:\Users\Name\Documents\My Games?
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 6:33 am

I'm afraid I must admit that I'm stumped. My only guess, and this is just a guess, is that there's something seriously wrong with your copy of the game. Perhaps not though.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 5:02 am

I am sure I am just not providing the correct info to you guys. While I may have experience modding Oblivion and Skyrim it really is not all that much in comparison to you guys and I encountered few difficulties so I think I am unprepared to deal with this situation atm. I decided to not give up because I figure it is good to learn this stuff if I am going to modding for awhile. Morrowind is a different beast compared to Oblivion and Skyrim though.

I think it is just the Steam version of the game. I remember getting MGSO or something like it to work on my game in the past but I did something wrong and it just was lagging me like crazy or I installed a mod that conflicted with it. With my Specs(in OP) would MGSO give me a big performance hit or could I still maintain roughly 60 FPS?

Do I need to redate the BSAs and stuff still? I did that before but reinstalling may have made me need to redo it? Maybe that is it? Before someone asks I did disable steam community in game all that junk.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 1:02 pm

I don't have experience with MGSO, so I couldn't tell you if it whacks your FPS at all. And I don't recall that I've ever had to redate my BSAs.

I think you need a hard copy of the game. I have one, and I've never had the kind of difficulty you are, not even when I didn't know what I was doing. Besides, the Steam version doesn't come with the Construction Set does it? If not, then good luck modding. :P
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 1:14 pm

Not really interested in a hard copy tbh. At this point I am just going to see what can be done with the steam version.

I am a broke college student so time and money is an issue for me atm lol.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 11:49 am

Not really interested in a hard copy tbh. At this point I am just going to see what can be done with the steam version.

I am a broke college student so time and money is an issue for me atm lol.

I understand. Depending upon where you live, there's a good chance you could pick it up for $20 though.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:03 am

I understand. Depending upon where you live, there's a good chance you could pick it up for $20 though.
I know. But I already have played 140 hours of the game on Xbox and own a hardcopy of it for Xbox. Never actually beat the game but have had the plot spoiled for me a long time ago. I was just looking to play through myself in a slightly modded Morrowind that looked prettier. 140 hours hardly scraqes the top of everything you can do. Most of what I did was in Mournhold and some Solstheim lol.

Should I just wipe the mods with the Mod file remover?

Also how do I install to a different location than Program files? Do I just move the folder? There is not option to choose where to put the game folders in the Steam install.

Last thing. Is this a good folder for the install for when I do know how to install it somewhere else? Like C:\Users\Name\Documents\My Games?
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 12:29 pm

Also how do I install to a different location than Program files? Do I just move the folder? There is not option to choose where to put the game folders in the Steam install.

I don't know why installing it elsewhere would help. I never had to concern myself with that. I'm pretty sure there's a reason that it automatically installs to C:\Program Files (x86).

Considering all the options you've gone through, the only explanation I can come up with is that your copy being the Steam version is the problem. I know I keep harping on this, but it's for good reason. I've seen plenty of people have problems with the Steam version that are normally easy to solve when you have a hard copy. There's also the fact that the Construction Set is unavailable with the Steam version, which severely stunts your modding abilities.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:43 pm

I don't know why installing it elsewhere would help. I never had to concern myself with that. I'm pretty sure there's a reason that it automatically installs to C:\Program Files (x86).

Considering all the options you've gone through, the only explanation I can come up with is that your copy being the Steam version is the problem. I know I keep harping on this, but it's for good reason. I've seen plenty of people have problems with the Steam version that are normally easy to solve when you have a hard copy. There's also the fact that the Construction Set is unavailable with the Steam version, which severely stunts your modding abilities.
I do not plan on creating mods for Morrowind myself. I do not have the skillset yet to begin that. I am making some effort to figure out Skyrim's CK but Skyrim seems so, uhm, insufficient(i guess that is a polite way of saying it) in some areas it is almost not worth it for me. The Journal and questing systems being the main issues(markers with no alternative means of doing quests because of lack of good information). Well factions being short with horrible writing and pacing didn't help either.

I may just stick to some smaller mods and ignore MGSO if it is having problems with my version of the game and their is nothing I can really do about it. I have cleanly and correctly installed it twice now. The first time it worked somewhat but my ignorance back then quickly messed it up with other mods and now well, you know(thread). lol
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 8:10 am

If it works without MGSO, then so be it. If not, well, you know my advice already. :P
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 5:36 am

If it works without MGSO, then so be it. If not, well, you know my advice already. :tongue:
I just uninstalled and deleted the Morrowind folder. Reinstalled and now Vanilla works perfectly. (Sigh)

I wonder if I installed MGSO incorrectly somehow. I will try one last time and if it does not work then well...I am done with it and will look at other things.
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