Seeing as there aren't any threads on this specifically, I decided to create this one. I am interested in people who can figure out what is on the perk wall. I would appreciate the minimum of argument, as I would like to fill this out as much as possible, and try to keep it in the realm of deliberation. These I believe are the perks that are in the game and what I think they'll do, some is based on what we've seen and others are just a hunch. This is mostly speculation, but I try to keep to what I feel strongly enough about (including any suggestions others may have). Many of these may also give special dialogue or environmental options.
Some of these have been taken from . You can buy one perk per level and they must be equal or lower to your SPECIAL score on that column. SPECIAL can also be increased instead of a Perk every level by one point according to . Additional changes are being made in response to this and this . Some additional changes are made from information I can not link, due to it being from the leaked gamescom video.
I have also listed what I have calculated to be the derived statistics (HP, AP, WT). I also now believe that as part of the 275 Perk Levels (the total being thrown around), 70 are specifically for your SPECIAL levels, which leaves about an average of 3 per Perk (some have more, like Gun Nut has 4). Reasoning is in brackets and VB = Vault Boy, and confirmed is meant to imply either actual or near perfect visual confirmation.
Strength: Carry Weight = 180 + 20/STR (See E3/MS Demos), Increases All Melee Damage
1: Unarmed/Pugilism 1+ - Adds damage and accuracy. [What's the first rule of Fight Club, learn to punch a guy, ]
2: Big Leaguer 1+ 鈥?Adds damage and accuracy. [Leaked Source and Confirmed]
6: Strong Back 1+ 鈥?Adds Carry Weight, levels may lead to reduced weight from certain items and possibly the Long Haul effect. [Confirmed]
7: Big Guns
9: Slayer 鈥?Increased speed of melee attacks or accuracy to VATS. [ ]
Perception: Environmental Awareness, 'Sixth Senses', and Accuracy in VATS
1: Lock-Picking? 1+ 鈥?Acts as the lock-picking skill. Maybe create locks for settlements.
2: Heave, Ho! 1+ - Increase thrown distance and accuracy in VATS. [VB seems to be pitching to Little Leaguer VB]
3: Living Anatomy 鈥?Probably adds damage to attacks. [I see that the VB is looking at body parts in the doorway]
4: Lock-Picking? 1+ 鈥?Acts as the lock-picking skill. Maybe create locks for settlements.
5: Explosives 1+ 鈥?Build explosives and set/disarm traps. [Leaked Source]
In a leaked Source, Night Person is #6 and whatever #6 is/was is now #7.
7: Night Person 鈥?Night vision and better perception and VATS accuracy at night. [Confirmed]
8: Sniper 鈥?Adds accuracy to all ranged attacks in VATS. [Confirmed]
9: X-Ray Vision 鈥?Maybe the ability to attack targets behind a wall or VATS target them for when they turn the corner. [It looks like the VB is able to do something through the wall and on the other side it looks like something is dead]
10: Concentrated Fire - Improved accuracy in VATS against [Confirmed]
Endurance: HP = 80 + 5/END (See E3 Demo vs Microsoft Demo), Adds to Resistances, Lowers AP Usage During Sprinting
1: Toughness 1+ 鈥?Adds to a Damage Resistance? [General Consensus]
2: Lead Belly 鈥?Lower rads when you drink from irradiated sources, possibly food also. [Leaked Source and General Consensus]
3: Life Giver 1+ 鈥?Get more HP. [Leaked Source and General Consensus]
4: Chem Resistance 鈥?More resistant to drug addiction or possibly a longer effect. [Leaked Source]
6: Rad Resistance 鈥?Adds to radiation resistance. [Leaked Source and General Consensus]
7: Adamantium Skeleton 鈥?Limbs take reduced damage. [General Consensus]
8: Cyborg 鈥?General bonus to resistances.
9: Atomic/Nuke Anomaly 鈥?It just looks like either of those perks, so either you get bonuses in Radiation or you explode when you are low on HP. [Leaked Source and General Consensus on Nuclear Anomaly]
10: Solar Powered 鈥?Health Regen and bonus abilities of some kind in sunlight. [Confirmed]
Charisma: Affects Speech and Barter Checks
1: Cap Collector 2+ 鈥?Better prices when trading. [Leaked Confirmed]
2: Lady Killer/Black Widow 2+ 鈥?Speech bonus with opposite/same? Gender, maybe bonus damage. [Confirmed]
3: Attack Dog 2+ 鈥?Bonus 'Nerve' with you companions. [Confirmed]
4: Animal Friendship 2+ 鈥?Wild Animals no longer attack you and may join you in battles. [Confirmed]
5: Local Leader 3+ 鈥?Adds resident, build trade options, improve happiness. [Confirmed]
6: Party Boy/Girl 3+ - Improves resistance to alcohol and possibly adds bonuses while 'drunk'. [Leaked Confirmed]
7: Lone Wanderer 3+ - Bonuses while you are without the aid of a companion. [Leaked Confirmed]
8: Inspiration 2+ - Companions gain advantages while you are in VATS. [Leaked Confirmed]
9: Wasteland . . . 3+ - While aiming at any Wasteland Critter, you can potentially scare it away. [Leaked Source]
10: Intimidation 3+ - Control other people? [Confirmed]
Intelligence: Affects Experience Earned
1: V.A.N.S. 1 - Aids in Navigation somehow. [Confirmed]
2: Medicine 1+ 鈥?Increase the effect of meds and drugs, heal others. Potentially used to craft Stimpaks, Doctor's Bags, or Drugs. [Confirmed]
3: Gun Nut 4 - Mod guns and add certain defenses to your settlement. Maybe deactivate turrets. [Confirmed]
4: Hacker 1+ 鈥?Hack and craft computer terminals. [Confirmed]
5: Comprehension/Eureka 鈥?. [ ]
6: Science 4 鈥?Mod laser weapons and add laser weapons to settlement defense. [Confirmed]
8: Robotics Expert 1+ 鈥?Deactivate robots, have them aid you, and maybe build for the Settlement. [Confirmed]
9: Heavy Weapons 1+ - Mod and create Alien, Nuclear, and Gauss like weapons.
10: Nerd Rage? - Bonus physical capabilities when low on HP. [General Consensus]
Agility: AP = 60 + 10/AGI (Again See E3/MS Demos), Affects Sneak
1: Gunslinger 2+ 鈥?Bonus damage and accuracy to one handed ranged weapons. [General Consensus]
2: Commando 2+ - Bonus damage and accuracy to longarm ranged weapons. [General Consensus]
3: Sneak 3+ 鈥?Move more stealthily and possibly improved pick-pocketing. [Confirmed]
4: Mister Sandman 鈥?Instant kill of a sleeping target. [General Consensus]
5: Action Girl/Guy 鈥?Bonus AP or quicker AP regeneration. [General Consensus]
6: Dodge/Moving Target 鈥?Enemies have a harder time getting critical hits on you. [It just looks like a good idea]
7: Light Step 鈥?You don't set off floor traps. [It looks like this to me ]
9: Finesse - Recover AP with kills. [General Consensus, I think]
10: Ninja 鈥?Bonus damage while attacking unaware targets. [General Consensus]
Luck: Affects Critical Regeneration and What We Find While Looting
1: Fortune Finder 鈥?Find more caps in containers. [General Consensus]
2: Scrounger 鈥?Find more ammo in containers. [General Consensus]
3: Bloody Mess 鈥?Do more damage to all attacks, with a chance of gore. [General Consensus]
4: Mysterious Stranger 鈥?The Stranger has a chance of aiding you in VATS. [General Consensus]
7: Better Criticals 鈥?Criticals do more damage. [General Consensus]
9: Grim Reaper's Sprint 鈥?Refill the Critical Bar after killing an opponent? [General Consensus]
10: Luck of the Irish/Leprechaun/Lucky/Pot O' Gold/Boston Celtic 鈥?Find the best gear in containers? [Read my name and look at the image of the green guy, I hope this is true.