Do other char's have them?
besides it would kinda weird wearing one in a sundress or something
Oh and why are all the outfits and hairstyles so retro?

I thought the game was like in 2270 or something
Not 1970(or what ever time people dressed so retro in spring dresses and sweater vests)
Other characters do have them, usually only other vault dwellers though. Most wastelanders don't have access to such coveted technology. Not even the ones who are obsessed with technology...
I would assume it would look weird in a sundress but since I don't know what that is, I'm not sure.
The world is set in what is described as a "retrofuturistic world" Y'know all those old sci fi shows from the 50s where everyone has silver spacesuits and rayguns, but they still wear old fashioned hair, listen to 50s music and drive very odd looking hovercars? That's the style we're talking about. Like the styles of the 1950s never went out of fashion.