Just to tell you what I am going to do--I am going to post varied information about Brink character customization, therefore you can just skip right past this but I thought this might help any newcomers joining to see things about the character, so you guys can skip right past this part if you know what you are going to make and just get right on to replying to this.
Firstly, I guess we better talk about what faction are you going to go in for? Security or Resistance? Now, in most MMO's (despite this not being a MMO, just an example) there is always a presumed bad side or good side, right? Well, in this particular game there is no good or bad side. Security are more of the major side in a way--they have the money to have newer guns. Whereas, Resistance are considered more of the working-class. Resistance have firearms which sound much like they have been used for decades. Security is basically what it sounds like--Security. They seem to be much like a police force, and they tend to live in the north region of the Ark which is the only city in Brink. And the Resistance faction, live in the south region of Ark. However, neither of these factions believe they are "bad," they all consider themselves doing the right thing. Therefore, there is no good or bad side.
Note: Picking either faction does not determine them being better, despite Resistance having guns sounding like they've gone through a car wreck they still operate the same as Security.
Secondly, something I was thinking about putting on here was about the SMART button. What are you going to use, manual or SMART? To newcomers, SMART is basically an "automatic" button which if you hold down and face where you want to go it will vault/jump/slide under and do damn near anything you want it to do when it comes to freerunning. Now, there is no good or bad version. Merely a personal preference of your choice. SMART sounds easier, right? But if you do this manually, it might be that tincy bit tougher but it has its advantages too. Instead of holding the SMART button down, you can manually time your jump/vault/etc and it might even pull it off faster than SMART if you time it just that smidge correctly.
Moving on, this is the thing which really interests me and to see which will be the most frequent class used. Yes, that's right chaps. We're moving onto classes.
So, there are four classes available in Brink. Soldier, Medic, Engineer and Operative.
Much like it's name, the Soldier is the man at the frontline and will always be taking damage, depending if your at the right zone of course. Now each class specializes in different things, the Soldier quite rightly supplies ammunition for team-mates, specialize in grenades and as you level up as a soldier even get an ability which allows you to shield your team-members, allowing you too take the damage and your team-member you shielded to stay unharmed.
This should be quite easy to understand. A medic is well, the medic of the squad. You heal your friends, revive them... etc. Something to be noticed about the medic is that it doesn't matter if you had 50 kills and something like 10 deaths like in a CoD game. What matters in this game, is teamwork. That is the main thing about this game. If you were healing your team-mates every god-damn second of the game you were in, you'd get probably a whole lot more XP than the person who had the most kills in the game.
An Engineer is quite a simple thing to understand just like the medic. They repair certain things in-game and even deploy turrets! They also can build and/or repair objectives, lay down landmines for a silly someone to step on it/around it, and well shall we say.. no more someone? Moving on to the turrets once again, they can deploy and over-levels improve their deployed turret. However, turrets aren't like campers in corners. If you take the right build (more on that later) you can avoid the gunfire of said-turret. However, sometimes you can place it where said-person wouldn't be able to escape. But when you think about it, most people don't really stand still unless they're not paying attention, right? So mainly turrets are considered a distraction--true, sometimes they get kills. But if you managed to distract them to keep them on the run for a millisecond, you could be able to surprise them for an easy-kill.
My personal favorite this one.. Operatives are much like... shall we say a lone wolf? True, I said earlier teamwork is key but these guys manage to sneak behind enemy lines and supply some very nice help for their team. Naturally, some people decide to be in a group as an operative depending on their playstyle however, I myself would prefer to work alone. Now, a thing to be mentioned about these would be that they are allowed to disguise as other people. As in, they take on the form of an enemy. This comes with risks however, if you were a "light operative" and disguised yourself as a heavy build. You would indeed have to be cautious when behind enemy lines considering a heavy build isn't particularly able to climb very well.
These guys can also interrogate enemies once they're down to give a radar for their team for a few seconds or so. Which, of course is helpful for the squad you are in. I think I'm dragging on about these and being a tince bit biast to be fair, so I will just finsih about the classes now.
Earlier on, I said about body types and in Brink you have three body types. Light, Medium, and Heavy. At the beginning of the game you can only pick Medium but as you level up you unlock light and heavy.
I'm just going to basically do a short example of each;
Health: Bigger = more hitpoints
Speed: Bigger = slower
Climbing: Bigger = less ability to climb
Power bar: Bigger = bigger power bar Weapons: Bigger = access to bigger weapons
Size: Bigger = easier to hit
Now, you should get the geist of the idea about builds hopefully. This is all I think open for more, but naturally i'm not going to go through the look of your character.
Ignoring the failed italics in the title, I hope you enjoyed this little post and firstly somethings I would like to see in a reply.
Class, size and playstyle as that class and any tactics you are going to employ in-game.
Just to start things off, I thought I would put in my playstyle, class and size.
So first off, I am going to be a light-build Operative. My playstyle for this particular character is going to just have to be solo. Now, I am preparing for rants about this being a teamwork based game but I just don't really appreciate being followed by any certain people whilst I'm off doing what I do. It just makes more chance for being spotted by an enemy if there's someone following me. What I plan on doing, is like any Operative just to go around the sides and be nice and high to avoid any chit-chat down below, and I myself pray that this would work. Also, I plan on doing the major things which involve being a Operative. And will probably focus on doing these things, those being--interrogating, hacking, etc etc etc. This would just help everybody all-in-all and I still get my desire of being on my own without a team-member following my every move.
I hope you enjoyed the read, and hope to see your replies soon!