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I think I would like to have a settlement near a lake, river or sea shore if possible. I want to eventually set up caravans and do some trading.
My first settlement will probably be somewhat ridiculous, as I'll be more interested in testing the limits of what I can build than trying to build something reasonable.
I'mma start small at first. Functionality over aesthetics. When things get established, then I allow myself to expand and go nuts.
There did seem to be an option for concrete.
Here ya go! http://i.imgur.com/AnEUdWR.png
In the E3 demo I say a giant glowing portal-esque pylon being used as a generator of sorts for what reason, I have no idea. I would not be surprised if we found or could make some relatively crazy things to plop on the homefront.
And I am of the few that LOVED Mothership Zeta, so bring it.
Am I the only one who will not build anything more than a little hideout place? I loved the garage from the trailer, I want something like that, but make it a tad bigger and with my own flavour to it For me Fallout was never about building a settlement
each to his own I guess
as long as i can build fences or walls i'm ok with any layout
i get anxious in games when enemies can attack my settlements from any direction
i never place my defenses in the right places when walls arent an option. NEVER
I'm just gonna have a small shed for myself as a nice little comfy place to relax after trekking around the wastes.
A colonial outpost of the Republic of Dave.
I may build only one settlement "city" to see if I like it. I'll mainly use it just to build my own large house probably.
A small settlement surrounded by a strong metal wall with a few guards (if you can hire them).
All of my settlements will be under strict totalitarian control. You are guaranteed safety and as much food as you can eat but you must relinquish your rights and freedom.