A friend just recommended this after I told him I'm playing Baldur's Gate II again.
It's really amazing a campaign with sooo many different versions,a decision u make can change the whole story drastically and it's outcome.
I wish FPS would start having the same adittude towards campaigns,meaning as to choices u make,they can't be that long ofc.
I was thinking that games like Brink shoild also have seperate stories,mini campaigns maybe?Apart from this blurring (wich is exellent,no doubt) maybe another full SP more in-depth storyline were every choice u make
can change the in game universe,so replay would have more value.
I play Dragon Age 1 atm,nearly finishing it atm,and i'll start Dragon Age 2 that will follow the events of my story in DA 1.Second time i played DA 1 and 2nd i'll play DA 2.
Well it's more of a personal thing,i love story driven game,deep immersive ones.and FPS genre nowdays is the exact opposite.Why?They tell a story,they should back it up.
I'ts almost a waste having games that a campaign can finish in 2 to 8 hours,really waste.
Edit: This is why i loved Fallout series also,deep intrigued storyline,Mass Effect also,u could call me fan of these type of games.