So what are your S.P.E.C.I.A.L.s are? What traits and skills did you use? What else without spoiling the game did you do? Right now my son is playing New Vegas so I can't so maybe if I read some good tips, I can change it.
Strength: 9 I used 9 so I can just carry lots of stuff. I hate leaving anything behind. Same for Oblivion and Fallout 3.
Perception: 6 I might lower this, I only have it on 6 for some of the traits. I am not shure if I will use these traits or not, so I might lower them.
Endurance: 8 Would have it at 9, but don't have an extra perk for it. I am playing Hard Core mode, so thinking trying to get this as high as I can will let my traits and skill for Survival be good. Also lots of health.
Charisma: 1 Just like in Fallout 3 and most other games, do we really need it?
Intelligence: 9 At first I had it at 5 or 6, but I thought when I level up, I will just use the extra points into things I would never use like Barter or Speech and see what happens there.
Agility: I have it around 5 or 6. I can't remember at the moment. Again I would have this lower but I need it at 5 or 6 for a skill I wanted. Can't remember what it was.
Luck: 1 I I had it at 6, till I read that the Mysterous Stranger perk has been nerfed, and it looks like it might not be as fun as it was in Fallout 3, so brought it down to 1. *edit* I also put luck to 1 to make the game more harder instead of raising up the difficulty slider. I hate bullet sponges.
Again, I am not shure if this is what I am going to use, but is what I have for now. So what do you have for your characters and why?