Just wondering what fps you guys get with what specs and settings.
Just wondering what fps you guys get with what specs and settings.
of course someone with amazing specs would post.. first lol
I played with absolutely everything maxed out and was getting 60+fps out in the wilderness, but would dip to about 45-50 fps when in towns and such. Planning on getting a new monitor and vid card soon, so that should take care of that framrate problem in towns.
Currently running:
I7 3770K OC'ed to 4817Mhz
16gb 1600mhz Ram
Samsung PRO series 840 SSD 256gb
Seagate 3 TB dump drive
EVGA GTX 680 classified 4gb
I have an MSI GT60 laptop
My graphics settings were set to ULTRA
I was getting between 40 and 60 FPS with low (25fps) and high (80fps) spikes
here are my specs
i7 4700 (2.4ghz quad core) CPU
nVIDIA GTX 770m (3GB) dedicated video
i7 870 oced - 3.8g
Oz 120g ssd
8g ram - patriot
ATI R9 270 oc'd
60+ on max settings
everything I have is 4 years old except for the video card. I picked that up a month ago as my ole 5850 was oc'd and tired
I've got a lower end system than most gamers (I think)
MBo - GA-880GM-D2H
Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 960T Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
Sapphire Radeon HD 7700 Series
I have it on High with water reflection, ambient occlusion, bloom and grass turned off. I get 40-50 fps everywhere though I haven't been in any massive PvP combats (only about 30-40 people at once).
Time for a low end system .
Core i3, 6 GB RAM, 2 GB Geforce 720m
I'm juggling two very different sets of graphics settings, with the subsampling option making the massive difference.
1366x768, subsampling medium (which means an internal rendering resolution that gives a noticably quite blurry image, a fair bit lower than if I simply lower the main resolution to 1280x720), AA on, textures high, shadows, water and particles medium. All the advanced settings (ambient occlusion, sun rays, bloom etc.) on.
30-45+ fps
1366x768, subsampling high (so matching the native resolution and obviously giving a much sharper image that almost makes up for losing all the fancy effects), AA off, textures high, shadows, water and particles medium (or low, can't remember off the top of my head). All the advanced settings off.
30+ fps most of the time, but can drop as low as 20 or less during combat with lots of particle effects (and that's just with one enemy).
Toaster: http://www.amazon.com/Hamilton-Beach-2-Slice-Toaster-Brushed/dp/B001ARQYRU/ref=lp_289938_1_1?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1394382434&sr=1-1
Has extra slots for a.... stuff thing.
I7 870 (its a bit old cpu 4-5 y old)
GTX 780 (non reference, by ASUS directcu II)
8 gigs of ram
Ultra settings
30-40 in the cities and about 60-100 in other areas.. Need to upgrade my cpu/mobo. Have some bottlenecks, I notice that in benchmarks, at stress gpu goes 55c-60c, but its advertised at 76c maxx.
CPU: AMD FX-8350 8:Core
Graphics: NVidia GeForce GTX 780
OS: Windows 8.1
Settings: All Maxed (ultra)
I don't recall what my FPS was, but I never had an issue.
I also played the first beta on a 2+ year old machine:
CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 6:Core
Graphics: NVidia GTX 550 Ti
OS: Windows 7
Settings: All Maxed (ultra)
Dont recall FPS here either, but no issues.
eMachines T5226
Nvidia GeForce 9400
32-bit Vista
Anywhere from 30-60 fps everywhere but the most crowded spaces. All my settings are medium to low except terrain distance which is maxed.
*shrugs* I'm pretty happy with my 7 year old computer considering the only things I've ever changed were the memory sticks and graphics card.
How's that for a low-end machine?
AMD phenom II quadcore at 2.8 GHz
GT 240
running 40 fps in PvE on mid details. Strangely enought, at best settings it will still run at 20 FPS. (resolution full HD ofc)
i5 3570k@4.4ghz
Radeon 7950 (3gb)@1100mhz core, 1265mhz memory
Samsung SSD on SATA 6gb/s
Windows 7 64bit
Everything turned all the way up at 2560x1440
FPS was 90+ every time I checked. Everything always ran buttery smooth, so I didn't check it all that often.
Seems like a very well optimized game.