Oh please.. almost everyone here was screaming about the GOTY awards a couple of weeks ago. Now that FO4 lost (which it should have) you suddenly don't care?
Of course you care.
Skyim won not because it was revolutionary, it won because it was the first truly open-world game with total freedom. Which this game is not. At all. Bethesda made the decision not too, for whatever reasons.There is nothing new or revolutionary about this game. Every feature it has, has been done; by Bethesda themselves or, hell - most of the enhancements in this game were "inspired" by mods from Skyrim or FONV.
Every Skyrim player has had settlement building (better than what FO4 has now too - go install Slyrim and get the mods - see for yourself) for years. In fact, ever since Hearthfire was released. Modders were building homes and towns long before Hearthfie hit. Hearthfire was to allow the console players to build a house.
Weapon mods: FONV had them. Then even better mods were released with weapons/mods. The same mod was ported to FO3.
Interesting companions? Are you kidding? Ever hear of IntrestingNPC's for Skyrim? A huge 8GB mod that add hundreds of NPCs/companions all with back stories and interrelated quests. For combat - that's a long list of player made mods for both FO3/NV and TES. So many, that you can tailor either game to the type of combat you like. And if you haven't played the Skyrim civil war yet, do so, but this time download the Civil War Overall mod. You are in for a surprise (get the Dragon Overall Mod too. and get ready).
Now to be fair, all these were mods made by players for the game. And Bethesda hasn't released the mod kit for FO4 yet (why is beyond me). But that's just my point.. all Bethesda did was beef up the graphics (already done for Skyrim and FO), copy some mods from both games, and hyped the marketing,
And FO4 doesn't even have a good story.
Now does this make FO4 a bad game bad? No, not at all. I'm playing it. I love it., And I'll keep it for at least long enough to see just how much we can do with the mod kit. But does it deserve an award? No. Not at all.
The best thing Bethesda did for the game was allow mods. Frankly, if they didn't half of us wouldn't even be playing. I love Bethesda for that. It's the only reason I overlook all the crap in their games (except for Dishonored - that game is just genius - but wait - Bethesda didn't write that game, they just distribute it). Allowing modding, even encouraging it, deserves praise (EA/Bioware, for example fights the modders) but not an award.