Oh, brain fart. I was just skimming ... the 300 million is in their native Polish currency.
Mods are not gonna make me purchase a video game to enjoy playing the video game anymore I just give up entirely now. Mods should be for now armor, NPC's, weapons, etc.
There are already mods on the Fallout 4 Nexus mods website section for NPC's to be killable companions and so on without the Creation Kit, last I looked.
yeah personally i dont care about the award. And Witcher 3 deserve the prize, it was a good game.
For me personally Witcher 3 fail on the biggest point for a open world that was have a interesting world to explore outside quest. I always find it empty. That something i love about Bethesda games. Still Bethesda can always improve their quest crafting. =P For me Fallout 4 is a good game and was material for a Award. To bad he didnt win one. Still i will wait for TES 6
What they need is not water down the game for CoD crowds like YES/NO/HURR/DURR dialogue and even querying the NPC advancing the dialogue. Tons of lines are wasted and dialogue are too short due to that. When I quickload thrice per dialogue to get info, then decide on an answer, something's very wrong. They cheapened the dialogues. The quality doesn't matter when you cannot experience the writing properly.
Heres my opinion. I am enjoying FO4, I could never get into the Witcher (1, 2, or 3).
Just because it wins an award doesnt mean I, or even the public, really likes it. Look at a lot of great movies that arent oscar winners. (these are my opinions)
-Pacific Rim
-Star Trek
-Fast and Furious
Something doesnt need to win an award to be enjoyed, and you shouldnt care if you like it or not. This whole dike measuring contest between witcher and fallout is ridiculous. I see why Witcher won, but it doesnt grab me the same way that fallout does. Thats a personal opinion.
It seemed like hundreds. But ok. Adding that kind of mod to this game is going to be a problem. Because of the SS's voice. There must be some way to shut it off.. but that would be kind of odd. So I don't know. I'm hoping though. If all we can doare environment, immersion, weapon/armor mods this game won't live much longer on my hard drive.
What's the CoD crowds? I have been playing Call of Duty since the first and up until Modern Warfare 2. They are solid shooters and the Modern Warfare series has an amazing campaign. Putting everyone together in one category because it suits you is what is wrong with this forum.
You do know that two of those movies will have not have squeals? Pacific Rim didn't do as well as expected at the box office. And ST - the current cast won't do it again (but I am holding out hope).
FF - there will be a FF8. the good thing about this series is that it's tried and true. Spend 200mil and make about 700mil - doing the same thing. FF is the CoD of films.
You are right about opinions. What matters, is what you, the player feels. But the awards are more for bragging rights.
Wait Skyrim wasnt the first truly open world form Bethesda, Morrowind and Oblivion pretty much let u do whatever u want too. Same for Fallout 3.
And ofcurse most of the things we get will be inspire by mod, i mean dont get this the wrong way, but modder dont have any "time" to met so they can spend years making mods lol some of the best mod on Fo3 and NV where made over years. For me im glad Bethesda is looking out what modders are doing and incorporating it on their games, other companies dont do it.
And the true is they innovate hahahah most of the hate come from the innovations they took, for me change leveling system and PA system, same as crafting is a good way to innovate and in the right direction. Plus the improve to AI on enemies and the scaling process on enemies.
But yeah lets Bethesda improve the dialogues plz, love the voice protagonist but not if everything become this simple. And i know u can have longer conversation bc i have play DA and ME.
wait what??? they announce the Star Trek part 3 already. I really dont know what happen with Pacific Rim 2 make me sad that movie was really good.
The game is great, but the story, blandness, and highly and clunky game play (dat dialogue wheel) hurt it too much to get goty and resulted in the lowest scoring bethesda game (average) in history.
It won't be much problem for the modders. With 13,000 lines of dialogue to pull from they will be able to construct conversations for new NPCs pretty easily. The player's half of the conversation doesn't have to be that specific as the new NPC would have to carry the details anyhow.
Im not even talking about money it made for a sequel or whatever. ( I wasnt even expecting Pacific Rim to get one in the first place). Im just saying that Awards are not really because of enjoyment but because of some objective and subjective points thrown together in a weird mix. Your GoTY might be very different from mine. Hell when JC2 was released that was mine for that year, it was just perfect for me. Same for COD:MW2.
People seem to think that if a game doesnt get GoTY its [censored].https://youtu.be/jtjFwZ7ye54?t=1271 kinda explains my point.
as long as they still keep their strenghts... I don't need a Fallout being exactly like Witcher
Bethesda's strength is the huge detailed world, that Witcher doesn't have to offer :/
I hope Bethesda keeps it that way... that's what makes their games stand out above any others for me
if I want a good story, I'll go read a book
it's still always appreciated in a game, but the main story in F4 is already enough for me... especially after Diamond City
the whole 'institute' theme is so much more interesting than the 'search your woman and cousin' from Witcher :/
Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 are quite different games.
Witcher definitely is prettier, has a bigger map, and more plot depth. So on that alone it is seems deserving to win. It doesn't hold a candle in terms of immersion, which is what causes me to spend the most time in game. But that's just personal preference, some don't care as much for that. In Witcher I don't like how you can't sit down and eat, build things, kill all the townspeople, or even move about in certain ways (like I got stuck in the boat under attack a lot because for some reason you can't jump out once "combat mode" starts).
Combat is much more fluid in Witcher but at the severe cost that there is only two handed sword play. You get a crossbow for ranged combat but that experience, in my own preference, is nowhere near as satisfying as slow mo zooming in with archery in Skyrim or sniping a headshot in FO4.
There is something else with Witcher I didn't like that caused me to only spend 100 hrs in it and never went back, but I can't figure out what it is. Something fatiguing about it.
Given upcoming DLC and GECK, the large number of mods for FO4 already, even without a GECK, I am guessing it will far surpass where it is now.
that, that is the biggest and strongest point for me that Bethesda offer, that no other open world game offer me, the detailed world.
Im a huge HUGE fan of DA but man the map become super bored after a while. And the same happen to me with Witcher3
Yeah that's how I feel about it.
A little off topic, comparing FO4 to Skyrim in that department, I think Skyrim still comes out on top. I'm not sure if the map is bigger but Skyrim is definitely fuller of plants, critters, caves, other constructs, and even whole biomes (vs one big brown wasteland).
What would they incorporate from Witcher? Maybe a better story. It was also Witcher vs FO4.
What elements would they put in Skyrim from Witcher if they had to do it again? The only things I can think of are sailing boats, better swordplay, and maybe the more dramatic/richer scripted/animated content, maybe.
Graphics and story that is the only better part of Witcher 3 really, bc everything else is bad. Crafting is bad, combat is bad, world detailed are bad.
the better Swordplay is hard when one game run on 3 person and the other focus on first person, first person melee combat always feel weird, i havent met a game that do it right.
I mean all those fluid movements that Witcher 3 do (copy from Batman combat) are hard to achieve when u playing on first person.
Very true. Never really thought about it but in Skyrim I always archer 1st person but when it is time to sword play I always bump out to 3rd. It just looks so much better, 1st person its like you are just swatting at things.