My girl wears the Savior′s hide right now, with enchanted Hide scale bracers and boots, no helm. Mainly because the Savior′s hide looks real cool on women ^^ And it′s almost as protective as Elven armor, which she wore before.
I Wear Daedric, but I love the light Dragon Armor So for me, Daedric, and my follower, light Dragon Armor but for style, I got to say Ebony, its so amazing
I'm wearing steel armor right now just because I think it looks better than the later armors. If I do end up changing then I will wear ebony armor because it looks so cool. What armor are you guys wearing? Sorry if I forgot to list one. :biggrin: Edit: Added dwarven
Yay! My favorite for the looks. With Smithing anything is broken. I would go with plate steel as my second choice since Daedric is ugly.
Pale Guard Armor, because it's the only one that suits my character aesthetically. I'm trying out DB armor right now, because it has the same stats as my upgraded Pale Guard Armor, but it just looks wrong on my character..
Guard said something along these lines to me while wearing Orcish armor today, heh. I personally don't mind the way it looks though, the upper half is pretty cool - bottom half and belt area something is just off about though.
Only Robes so far for my pure destruction mage which I have been reading become underpowered which is a good thing as I was starting again. Now I'm making a warrior and I have no idea what I want to wear as of yet. Just a Nord with light armor and 2H weapons.