I just want interesting quests and characters on par with Fallout New Vegas. Yes, I know New Vegas wasn't made by Bethesda, but I think Bethesda could take some pages out of the books of Chris Avellone and the rest of writers that worked tirelessly on the game. New Vegas had many great characters (Caesar, Mr. House, to name a couple), quests that made me feel like I was having some sort of impact on the world, no matter how minuscule that impact may have been. (Oblivion made me feel like the only thing I ever did in the game was save Kvatch, I was that guy, the one who saved Kvatch. Not the one who worked his ass off to get into the Mage's Guild or saved helpless kittens out of trees.) :tops:
Yes, hopefully, considering (i) the backdrop of the civil war, and (ii) the map on the Bethesda Studios wall that revealed REBELS based at Windhelm and EMPIRE based at Solitude, there is some likelihood of a more dramatic main quest where the player must choose which side of the civil war to support.
Some have argued against any multiple endings because they want their playthrough to be faithful to canon.
Personally, I COULD NOT CARE LESS :rofl: about whether any particular playthrough of mine diverges from whatever Bethesda determines to be the "canon ending" of the game, since I will play the game multiple times, making different choices along the way. IMO, having player choices dramatically impact the world and the game's ending trumps fidelity to the literary canon any day.