To be fair, we don't even know if dragonblood is actually different then being dragonborn, for all we know there IS no difference.
Michael Kirkbride? He's not as active anymore I don't think.
The main reason I couldn't play as another race besides Nord for a long term dragonborn serious character is because I think the dragonborn is an aspect of Shor, and I can't picture him taking another form. I think Shor being absent in Sovngarde is related to you.
Doesn't really mean much to most of my characters, except probably my Khajiit. I tried to play the "possible Shezzarine" angle and make his story similar to the Lorkhaj myth, in a very weird way.
Honestly, I don't understand why it's so hard to see any race as Dragonborn. Every race is a mortal with a really good reason to stop Alduin, why does the vessel that houses their true selves (a dragon) matter?
Well, aside from invoking irony. Which I love to do.
It's worth a try. Gstaff answered someone's question about Serana and when she was sealed away.
They don't have one. Auriel isn't Akatosh.
Auriel is another name for akatosh. it seems you havent played dawnguard
"Akatosh, known as Auri-El to the Aldmer[1] and Bormahu (Father) to the dragons,[2] is the chief deity of the Nine Divines"
"The Elven Akatosh is Auri-El, also named Auriel."
I'm no lore buff though, I'm just repeating what people usually say in these forums. I've always heard that Akatosh and Auriel are the same thing.
Wulfharth was, and he's said to be dragonborn.
I think people are making a lot of assumptions about who can and can't be dragonborn.
Personally I felt that the whole "you've been given this power directly from Akatosh" sort of superceded any rules about race.
It's not a requirement.
The bit with being Shor literally, is certainly open to one's interpretation. Talking about LDB of course.
Wulfharth is an aspect of Shor. That is lore.
Its not about who can and cant, but who fits regardless of that explanation. Anyone apparently can be, but does it fit with what has been in lore before? Its about what feels "right".
*throws off gloves* You wanna start this? You really wanna start this? I am the foremost, self-appointed Akatosh apologist.
Auriel is the High King of Alinor who underwent Dracochrysalis and inserted himself into the time-god oversoul before ascending to Aetherius.
Akatosh is the Dragon King. The combining of Auriel and Shezzar in Cyrodiilic mythology whom is made chief deity of the Nine Divines and broken into time be the first spirit. The Marukhati Selectives tried to remove all Aurielic traits from Akatosh and broke time severely. Whether they suceeded is a matter of debate but whether or not Akatosh is Auriel is not. They are different aspects of the same god. Auriel is an elf/bird in Aetherius. Akatosh is a planet and a Dragon with two heads to show his duality but his preference for men.
Lorkhan/Shor/Shezzar are different perspectives or aspects of the same god. Talos is that god fulfilled.
You keep saying this. That is the opposite of what happened.
Being a Dragonborn/Dovahkin from other races than Nords and Imperials sure bring a meaning larger than we think. The history of Dragonborns are always related with Nords and Imperial, but if the Last Dragonborn is from other races than those two, it is not like what everybody expected. For each races, there must be a unique value of being a Dragonborn/Dovahkiin, for example an Orc, a race don't care much about anything else in Skyrim just take care of their own, now there is a Dovahkiin among the Orcs...Khajiit that are not even allowed to enter the cities, being labelled as drug dealers and thief but syddenly a Dovahkiin is a Khajiit in Skyrim.
Of course the game is race neutral regarding who become the Dovahkiin, and things about Dovahkiin being fed with mostly Nordic things, but this thread is about personal view regarding the race chosen and how the player feel about their chosen race who become the Dovahkiin/Dragonborn.
Small nitpick. Its Khajiit caravans, who are actually drugdealers. The khajiit caravans are not allowed.
Which is exactly why Akarielloshrrakakhan can bestow Bormahu's gift on whomever he pleases.
im no lore expert m only saying what knight paladin gelebor said in touching the sky quest
I know.. that line of dialogue is frustrating because it's misleading to people who didn't delve into Oblivion's lore.
Of course it fits in with the lore. Akatosh, dude! He made a decision, he's a god, therefore lore.
That's the way I see it anyway.
As for what feels right then yeah, it's up to you to decide that but using the term "lore" as a reason why it doesn't make sense to you feels a bit confusing.
What I mean is previous lore. I honestly think the akatosh thing was an asspull to let all races play, which is why the game feels weird for other races. Lorewise I know it works, but fitting lorewise as far as history goes and what we know about the dragonborn is what I mean. Akatosh has a preference to men, for instance. So him bestowing it on a khajiit seems strange already just from that. And if you believe the dragonborn is an aspect of Shor, which some do, it makes even less sense.