To be honest, I'm so glad you won't be ever able to create a majority to force Beth to do that kind of nonsense you've posted here. Because crazy people won't ever be a majority. This game is already awesome and relatively bug-free so BIG THANK YOU, BETH! Don't listen to whiners and carry on!
Do you think its nonsense to expect a game to not crash every few minutes? I am not suggesting that they fix all of the gameplay stuff that folks have mentioned, that would be unreasonable, as suggested in other posts the amount of play testing the community can do dwarfs Bethesda's test team efforts. Having said that there have been some fundemenatal problems - but as a business Bethesda are driven by their bottom line which is not alligned with what I (not you) and most people want.
I am not whining but rather voicing my disappointment, as I said the game is awesome and what they have got right far outways what they didn't it just a shame that some huge flaws got through, when I would of delayed release to get them right.
I don't feel that a fully working product is too much to ask.
I'll assume you are one of 14 year olds previously mentioned and so cannot understand a balanced view and lives your life in absolutes