What is Beth reaction on all the complain?

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:19 pm

Of course they are.
And Im sure that in some time we will see a patch for a lot of bugs.

Bethesda could never have playtested the game as many hours as we collectively have played.
It is logical that we find bugs that they may have missed.
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:32 am

Is beth paying attention to all the fans that are complaining about missing features , bugs and streamlining?

I don't see any need to pay attention to most of the whining here. It's inevitable on any game forum where a sequel is concerned - happens every damned time. Can't please everybody, and nobody should try to. Beth just need to please enough to have made a success, and Skyrim is already a stunning one of those. :)
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Kaley X
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:11 am

I have to say I think it is apalling that they have released the game in its current condition. I appreciate not EVERYTHING can be tested, but surely the texture problem on Xbox 360 and the CTD problem came up amongst many others. Chances are they got close to release and were still aware of the many fixes required but made a judgement call on time to market/ROI and what the fan base would stomach. They probably already have a team working on the expansion pack!

To me it is ridiculous the way customers (especially PC customers) get treated thease days - RAGE was a joke when it was released!

If only we could create a majority of us and force them to release either a more complete patch that the one we know they will release, a free DLC pack to apologise and a fully polished game next time around. To be clear we do have this power, we could boycott future products, but we won't because we are the general public who will continue to get shafted time and again and put up with it. Pity.

Just so you know - I LOVE THIS GAME - it is definately in my all time top ten without doubt I just wished more polish was added.

See, here's the problem. My PC is not the best out there, but it's not bad either at only a year old. I am seeing complaints coming from people with the same, if not better, GFX card and CPU as I do and yet I have had exactly two crashes in well over 70 hours of play time. Other people are claiming a CTD every few minutes. They really can't forsee every problem that over 3 million customers could have.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:34 pm

To be honest, I'm so glad you won't be ever able to create a majority to force Beth to do that kind of nonsense you've posted here. Because crazy people won't ever be a majority. This game is already awesome and relatively bug-free so BIG THANK YOU, BETH! Don't listen to whiners and carry on!

Do you think its nonsense to expect a game to not crash every few minutes? I am not suggesting that they fix all of the gameplay stuff that folks have mentioned, that would be unreasonable, as suggested in other posts the amount of play testing the community can do dwarfs Bethesda's test team efforts. Having said that there have been some fundemenatal problems - but as a business Bethesda are driven by their bottom line which is not alligned with what I (not you) and most people want.

I am not whining but rather voicing my disappointment, as I said the game is awesome and what they have got right far outways what they didn't it just a shame that some huge flaws got through, when I would of delayed release to get them right.

I don't feel that a fully working product is too much to ask.

I'll assume you are one of 14 year olds previously mentioned and so cannot understand a balanced view and lives your life in absolutes
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:30 pm

People are so spoiled. I wish there was a game like this when I was a kid. The world is beautiful-immersive-dark, the story is amazing, the characters are endearing. The story writing in this is better than New Vegas.

I 100% agree with you. I saw the official strategy guide for New Vegas next to the strategy guide for Skyrim on a shop shelf the other day. The New Vegas one is like half the size of the Skyrim one! This game has exceeded my expectations of what I thought was possible for a game. Its the only game truly worthy of a 10/10 score from most of the reviews I've read, its definitely set a benchmark for sandbox RPGs!

Kids these days don't know how lucky they are to have games like this. When I was young(er) all we had was games involving a disembodied head munching pills! ^_^
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:13 pm

All the complaining??? Are you serious, the few complaints on these forums are not even a drop of water in a bucket. They just sold 3.4 million copies in two days......The complainers on these forums probably don't even add up to a 100 people and even if it did, heck even if it were a thousand on here crying the blues. Thats nothing!!!! the rest of the Skrimers...(yeah i know) seem to be too busy having fun to nitpick..
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:15 pm

Bugs like crashes is one thing to address but balancing skills? Not first prio.

I'm having trouble figuring out what is first prio. All I can think of is dragons or radiant quests.
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brian adkins
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:03 am

Half the rage is just Oblivion mages pouting over the loss of their win button.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:03 pm

90% of the complaining is just useless whining

+1. All I can see is whine and the UI things, the UI is consolized, so yeah.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:05 pm

Is beth paying attention to all the fans that are complaining about missing features , bugs and streamlining?

They will fix some bugs, but they aren't going to be affected by complainers. Those complaints existed 6 months before launch, they aren't going to change the game now after launch. There are no missing features, each elder scrolls game is to be considered a new stand alone game. If something from a past ES game isn't there then they removed it by design because it doesn't serve their interests in making the best game they can any longer.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:50 pm

People are so spoiled. I wish there was a game like this when I was a kid. The world is beautiful-immersive-dark, the story is amazing, the characters are endearing. The story writing in this is better than New Vegas.

Well compared to fallout 3...new vegas was [censored]
you could completly tell Beth didnt make the game lol
and its hard for me to say but skyrim very much is up there with fallout 3
well imo
i enjoyed beating it...once...lol
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:32 pm

I not had one CTD ever. I not found any bugs apart from graphic glitch wen I wear a certain hood, can see my hair through it lol.
In a game world so big Beth has done suburb. I agree balancing needs to be sorted after other bugs some ppl experience get fixed.
Oh and Beth plz calm the horse down, I swear its on steroids and cocaine cocktail.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:58 pm

I haven't had one bug with the game, nor do I have one problem. All that it is the fact that people need to stop being little whiners, I believe 50 perfect review scores and the praise that this game have gotten is far enought to outweight the bad. Also the fact that they sold 3.5 million in just 48 hrs. Shows they have a good fanbase. Great story, Great world, I only wish that pc users had a better UI and this is coming from a 360 player.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:03 am

As for a lot of the bugs/crashes, a lot of that would be solved if people could just update their drivers and such properly, have seen a lot of peoples issues here solved simply from updating their video card drivers etc. It can harldy be Beth's fault if you don't give your compy the proper maintenance. (60 hours /played, 1 crash, 1 noteable bug)
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:13 pm

They will fix some bugs, but they aren't going to be affected by complainers. Those complaints existed 6 months before launch, they aren't going to change the game now after launch. There are no missing features, each elder scrolls game is to be considered a new stand alone game. If something from a past ES game isn't there then they removed it by design because it doesn't serve their interests in making the best game they can any longer.

You could say that no game has missing features if you look at it that way, so how about we call them "Features that a lot of people who like the series want in and the lack of which is commonly considered to be detrimental to the game".
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:47 am

The game hasn't even been out for a week yet and people are already wondering if Bethesda is listening and will fix problems? No. They won't. Ever. Games never ever get patched or otherwise improved in any way once they have been released.

The thing that is not obvious from these boards is that the number of complaints are absolutely dwarfed by the number of happy customers. A few hundred, even a few thousand, disgruntled players, some of whom are making baseless complaints out of their sheer ignorance (because they don't need to read the manual), are a miniscule fraction of the millions of people that bought the game in just a couple of days and haven't uttered a word against the game. The fact that those few are so vocal doesn't change anything and will not force fixes to come any faster. For every complaint on this forum (and the hilarious reviews on Metacritic that someone here linked to), I am seeing ten more people on other forums that have nothing but praise.

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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:24 pm

I don't think it's too much to ask for Beth to be fixing bugs. Not everyone is "whining" on these forums. There have been some really good ideas and very valid complaints.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:27 am

I'm sure they just see the complaints translated to one of the following:

- PC MASTER RACE! I'm so pissed that this game isn't tailored specifically to a dead platform that makes up such a small % of Skyrim owners.
- My character is a _____________ and Bethesda totally ruined the ___________ skill, so now he svcks.
- They downgraded the game so much. There's not as many ____________ anymore, it looks like this game that was in development for 5 years was so rushed and is missing so much content.
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:19 pm

The game hasn't even been out for a week yet and people are already wondering if Bethesda is listening and will fix problems? No. They won't. Ever. Games never ever get patched or otherwise improved in any way once they have been released.

The thing that is not obvious from these boards is that the number of complaints are absolutely dwarfed by the number of happy customers. A few hundred, even a few thousand, disgruntled players, some of whom are making baseless complaints out of their sheer ignorance (because they don't need to read the manual), are a miniscule fraction of the millions of people that bought the game in just a couple of days and haven't uttered a word against the game. The fact that those few are so vocal doesn't change anything and will not force fixes to come any faster. For every complaint on this forum (and the hilarious reviews on Metacritic that someone here linked to), I am seeing ten more people on other forums that have nothing but praise.

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Suzy Santana
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:24 am

I'm sure they just see the complaints translated to one of the following:

- PC MASTER RACE! I'm so pissed that this game isn't tailored specifically to a dead platform that makes up such a small % of Skyrim owners.
- My character is a _____________ and Bethesda totally ruined the ___________ skill, so now he svcks.
- They downgraded the game so much. There's not as many ____________ anymore, it looks like this game that was in development for 5 years was so rushed and is missing so much content.

LOL PC is not dead and PC users are the master race. :P
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:13 am

I don't think it's too much to ask for Beth to be fixing bugs. Not everyone is "whining" on these forums. There have been some really good ideas and very valid complaints.

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Stephy Beck
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:44 pm

Is beth paying attention to all the fans that are complaining about missing features , bugs and streamlining?

On every game forum out there people are complaining about nonsense. If devs are any smart they can distinguish the useless negative whiners and real bugs/glitches in the game.
Seriously, streamlining? If we are talking about the same thing I have no idea why u link streamlining to skyrim almost hilarious because the game is a total opposite of linearity.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:17 pm

I'm sure they just see the complaints translated to one of the following:

- PC MASTER RACE! I'm so pissed that this game isn't tailored specifically to a dead platform that makes up such a small % of Skyrim owners.
- My character is a _____________ and Bethesda totally ruined the ___________ skill, so now he svcks.
- They downgraded the game so much. There's not as many ____________ anymore, it looks like this game that was in development for 5 years was so rushed and is missing so much content.

Lol PC is the platform for TES. Most of the people I know who got oblivion when it came out on consoles ended up getting it on pc a few years later once they got a better PC. It's just the natural way of things - everyone ideally wants to play TES on a PC, and many who continue playing (or pick the game back up a year or two down the line) eventually get it for PC.

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Gemma Archer
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:34 pm

Of course they listen but don't expect a patch to arrive so fast. It needs... you know... to be made first. Some complaints will be fixed (bugs and some balance issues) while others won't (game design decisions). Thats how it works for every damn game.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:11 pm

As someone else mentioned, the gripes about Skyrim are nothing like the negative feedback that Oblivion got here.

Some people are having a hard time of it, and that obviously svcks. But there's a danger of jumping to extremes here - that the game is "broken" and that this is solely due to Bethesda. (For my money, this is one of the least bug-ridden games Beth have ever released.)

I'm not being a "really devoted fan": it's just pragmatic to remember that there are a number of things that the game designers can do, and a number that are outside of their control (as was the issue with Rage).
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