For more than a decade combat has been fairly unengaging in The Elderscrolls. It is, in my humble opinion, far past time to hire someone with a lot of experience and talent to spend however many years it takes just working on the combat.
B. Use an engine from someone else or hire more programmers.
Skyrim has as many loading times that are as long as Morrowind, a game that came out about a decade ago now. While every other company tries to shove what they can do with technology forward Bethesda Game Studios just seems to have shrugged and plodded along. For all the talk or re-writing the engine, it's obvious from looking at the code there's still Oblivion in there, and what was re-written just doesn't hold up to other games. With things like single piece armors and ridiculous physics it's even eating into gameplay now, when good programming could be making both gameplay and visuals better.
C. Have an two separate interfaces, one for the pc and one for the consoles
I'm sure I'm not the only one tired of game developers "assuring" their customers that the "interface is designed with the pc in mind" over and over again, and then ending up with unnecessarily frustrating clunkiness. Frankly, it doesn't really matter what argument for this practice is. PC customers pay the same price, and deserve the same amount of attention.
D. Have some sort of "hard" option
There are, understandably, players that enjoy Bethesda's games as nothing more than a sandbox, and would be offput by difficulty. But there are other players that would love to play these games and be presented with some kind of challenge. The current "difficulty" settings just don't cut. There could definitely be something better, and it would be highly appreciated.